* Add fields to restore form to enable changes to Short Name, Full Name and Start Date
* Start Date offset added to Restore process
* Created Restorelog file in Course files area
* Activity Modules use offset to change dates
* Activity Modules write changes to Restorelog
I have not converted the rest of the quiz, and I don't intend to. I am hoping Moodle.com will do it.
I hope this does not introduce any bugs, but view.php is so complicate (at least it is less complicated than it was) and the quiz has so many options, that it is hard to be sure. This needs lots of testing before 1.7 is released.
I have not been able to test this fully, because I cannot assign roles (e.g. Student and Teacher) in 1.7dev at the moment to test a student answering an essay question then a teacher grading it. However, I have tested as much as possible as admin and cannot get any errors.
Admittedly, this file is pretty incomprehensible and it is not clear at first what it is trying to do. (Even though it is more comprehensible now than it was a week ago.) I'll to a proper conversion of this file to RnP once I have checked in my other changes there - assuming I can actually get Moodle to work so I can test my changes.
While implementing this, I removed the ~100 lines of very similar code from the top of each question type's editquestion.html template, and moved this to a the function print_question_form_start() in the base class, which uses the template question/type/editquestionstart.html. This is described in more detail here: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=51590, and is why this patch makes the codebase 523 lines smaller.
This is a mega-checkin of the new Roles system. A lot of changes have
been made in core and modules.
Currently there are a lot of rough edges and known problems. We are
working hard on these .. .the reason for getting this into HEAD at this
stage is enable us to move faster (our branch was diverging from HEAD
too much).
Please keep an eye on http://docs.moodle.org/en/Roles for current status
and information for developers on how to use the new Roles system.