Significant string changes:
* moodleorghubname,core_admin and
sitemustberegistered,message_airnotifier - '' changed to
* registration_help,core_admin and registermoochtips,core_hub - removed
erroneous 'access to our course sharing platform'
* trackingtype_help,mod_forum and formnotavailable,core_grading and
showgrades_help,core and rolewarning_help,core_rating -
'Administration block' changed to 'Actions menu or admin block',
'navigation block' changed to 'navigation drawer or block'
Significant string changes:
* withselectedusers_help, core - removing mention of 'Add a common note'
as the option no longer exists
* considereddigitalminor and digitalminor_desc, core - more
child-friendly wording
* configmessagingallusers, core_admin - clearer explanation
* auth_dbtype, auth_db - fixed broken link
Significant string changes:
* errorinvalidbyhour,core_calendar - correcting number from 59 to 23
* cron_help,core_admin - updated recommendation to run cron every minute
* tour1_content_end, tour1_content_welcome, tour2_content_end,
tour2_content_welcome all in tool_usertours - removing reference to
* invalidsesskey,core_error and invalidsesskey,mod_wiki - more
understandable error message
* pluginname_help and pluginnamesummary in qtype_essay - explaining that
the question type can be used for file uploads
* formatnoinline, mustattach and mustrequire in qtype_essay - changing
the word 'inline' to 'online'
GD PHP extension is now required. Add-ons need to remove $CFG->gdversion tests. The worst case regression is that add-on will think GD is not available.
From now on, all English strings use the new syntax. They are not
eval()'ed any more and the only valid placeholders are {$a} and
{$a->foobar}. No extra quotes escaping, dollar sign escaping and putting
double percent signs.
The modified files were exported from AMOS database repository in the
new syntax and were re-ordered by stringid. Standard GNU/GPL and PHPdoc
blocks are added. Where there was no copyright note so far, I added the
default one with Martin Dougiamas as the copyright holder.
Live long and prosper.
It's not at all well-tested yet (I made a lot of changes to it just tonight)
but it's late and I am literally sick (with flu) and tired so I'm checking
this in and going to bed.
Please fix all the bugs for me. ;-)