These are the changes from MOODLE_13_STABLE, merged into trunk
The tag MOODLE_13_MERGED on the MOODLE_13_STABLE branch now refers to this point
The biggest changes here are the fixes for HTML editor in all standard modules
ensure that the order they are displayed in is always the same as the
order they have been defined in. See bug 553.
This involved API changes to the function get_all_instances_in_course()
There is something wrong with this SQL still though ... it mostly works
but I'm still getting wierd behaviour with small numbers of users.
Need some help here ... for example just look at get_site_users()
on your test site.
It's supposed to return a list of users who are admins, creators,
teachers or students
Should be fixed now. As a bonus, I've removed all the uses of
HTTP_POST_VARS from all scripts.
All forms should use the new data_submitted() function to collect
form data (it does the match_referer thing internally now).
Much nicer.
Moodle tables.
ie user -> userid in many tables, plus in user_students
start -> starttime and end -> endtime
I've just done all this as carefully as I could ... I don't think
I missed anything but it's pretty intensive work and I'd be fooling myself
if I didn't think I'd missed a couple.
Note that this version should pretty much be able to bootstrap itself
using PostgreSQL now ... but this is untested
Basically all the Database functions are in lib/datalib.php
and the web functions are all in lib/weblib.php, so
moodlelib.php is much thinner than it was.
Data functions have been extended ... most old calls will
still work, but now many more SQL commands can be performed
using the datalib functions rather than using SQL. I'm
currently moving through the whole tree replacing SQL
calls or at least concentrating them in one section of
Still working on forums, quizzes, surveys, resources.
The tree is currently not full working ... some things are
half-completed ... will resume tomorrow.