- function get_mimetypes_array() now contains also information about filetype groups and language strings
- use 'smart' human-readable mimetype description
- never determine filetype group based on filetype icon image! remove function mimeinfo_from_icon()
- get rid of class filetype_parser and file lib/filestorage/file_types.mm, replaced with functions file_get_typegroup(), file_extension_in_typegroup() and file_mimetype_in_typegroup()
- support multiple icon sizes, not only 16 and 32
- retrieve filetype icon only using proper functions file_..._icon() from lib/filelib.php throughout the code
- increase size of repository thumbnails to 90 and icons to 24 (will take effect when new icons exist)
This commit:
a) moves modinfo code into new library modinfolib.php
b) uses classes instead of stdClass objects, allowing a huge amount of documentation (and IDE completion)
c) adds hooks so that plugins other than forum can display messages like forum's 'unread', and plugins other than label can display html (apart from/as well as their view.php link) on the course view page
d) removes current hacks for forum and label (mainly in print_section but also across the code), replacing with new 'content' and similar variables [this is the reason for the changes in blocks, etc]
e) reduces size of modinfo in database (only when rebuilt) by excluding empty fields
The change is intended to be backward compatible and does not affect the format of modinfo in database.
Instead of grabbing variables defined by the course format with
global $var; the block now recomputes them itself.
Of course this also introduces a (significant?) performance hit.
I think it's much preferable to "live with" the hit until a good
solution is developed rather than have a hacky solution that could
break anytime for any obscure reason (case in point). Objections?
* Block authors no longer need to set $this->content_type
* If you want to make a "list" block, just derive from block_list
instead of block_base
* All switch() statements gone from library code
* Overloaded method is_empty() added to block classes for convenience
rest of Moodle. The convention for blocks is now:
class block_something extends block_base { ... }
HOWTO updated accordingly, plus some more minor polishing. More to come.