Most of the PNG/JPG/GIF icons in the pix folder are redundant if an SVG
file is available, so they have been removed to simplify maintenance.
This commit removes all redundant icons from the pix/ folder. Additional
redundant icons in the icons/ folder will be addressed separately while
reviewing the FontAwesome icons and their SVG versions.
- Remove 'Use template' from edit page tertiary navigation
- Create a new 'Actions' menu in the tertiary naviagation
- Move 'Import' tertiary navigation to the actions menu
- Move 'Export' button to the actions menu
- Move 'Save as new template' to the actions menu
- Convert add question select into an action menu
- Fix related behat scenarios
The absence of SVG files has been addressed by including them,
sourced from the respective FontAwesome versions available for
download at
- The PSD icon has been there all this time, but no MIME type was using it.
A new MIME has been added (image/vnd.adobe.photoshop) for the .psd files.
The MIME type for existing PSD files will be also upgraded.
- A new JSON icon has been added. It will be used by the JSON, CSS and SCSS
MIME types.
The following MIME icons have been completely removed because they were
not used (they were probably added/kept by mistake):
- clip-353 --> It was added in MDL-75362 by mistake.
- edit
- env
- explore
- folder-open
- help
- move
- parent
Apart from removing these MIME icons, a PHPUnit test has been added to
guarantee MIME icons in pix/f are under control and they are only
added/removed when needed.
In order to reduce the number of icons for the MIME types, a few
icons have been removed and replaced with their generic from
the existing ones:
- avi -> video
- base -> database
- bmp -> image
- html -> markup
- jpeg -> image
- mov -> video
- mp3 -> audio
- mpeg -> video
- png -> image
- quicktime -> video
- tiff -> image
- wav -> audio
- wmv -> video
The old xxxxxxx-yyy.png MIME icon files have been removed and replaced with
the new SVG files created by the UX team.
Special thanks to Sabina Abellán! :-)