MDL-45991 groups: Auto-create groups with ungrouped users only
When using auto-create groups, sometimes it is needed to only create
groups with users that are not already inside a course group. This
patch creates a checkbox that will ignore users that are in already
existing groups. It alters the groups_get_potential_members function so
that the eligible users are retrieved entirely though sql.
Fix various incorrect urls
Fix incorrect phpdocs and other minor code style issues
Fix missing/incorrect strings
MOV [eventblogassociationcreated, core_blog],[eventblogassociationadded, core_blog]
The following used steps were replaced by the ones
added in this issue:
- I fill the moodle form with
- I fill in with
- I select from
- I select radio button
- I check
- I uncheck
- the field should match
Also removing test for deprecated steps:
- the ASD checkbox should be checked
- the ASD checkbox should not be checked
In general aiming for compatibility with multiple browsers,
firefox, chrome and phantomjs to be more specific.
* Removing hardcoded waits
* Adding @_alert, @_switch_window and @_switch_frame tags,
to label actions that different drivers have problems with.
* Adding missing @_files_upload and @_only_local tags to features that
uploads files.
* Fixing a few wait for page ready what specified miliseconds.
* New methods to ensure elements (usual selectors), sections and editors
are ready to interact with
* Changing the select an option implementation to deal with the different
drivers implementations when listening to JS events.
1. Added new step definitions to check if an element exists or does not exist in another.
2. Added new step definitions to check if an element is readonly or is not readonly.
3. Automated testing for MDLQA-1812 and MDLQA-1813.
Added behat test for deleting groups/groupings with and without the
'moodle/course:changeidnumber' capability.
4. Automated MDLQA-2105.
Added behat test for creating groups/groupings without the
'moodle/course:changeidnumber' capability.
5. Automated MDLQA-2238 and MDLQA-2335.
Added behat test for updating groups/groupings with and without the
'moodle/course:changeidnumber' capability.
MDLQA-2420 Importing groups with an ID number with permissions
MDLQA-2421 Importing groups with an ID number without permissions
MDLQA-5266 A teacher can import groupings as well as groups into a course