If enabled $CFG->allowcohortthemes, then themes can be set at the cohort level.
This will affect all users with only one cohort or more than one but with the same theme.
The default theme order will be: course, category, session, user, cohort, site.
The new recordset support for Postgres requires transactions and
will cause errors if recordsets are not closed correctly. This
commit fixes problems that were identified during unit tests, and
via some basic code analysis, across all core code. Most of these
are incorrect usage of recordset (forgetting to close them).
The add/roles thing was only converted to bootstrap 2/4 markup and the yui left in place.
The modal for adding users to a course was unsavable so I rewrote it with an mform in a popup, still calling
the same (barely) modified ajax script.
The webservice for searching cohorts was taken from admin/tool/lp and moved into /cohort. I added a generic "cohort"
mform element at the same time.
The webservice for searching for users was taken from the original ajax script.
Fix I edit profile steps
Apply fixed header in css
Remove transitions from menus for behat
Be more specific about some "I follow" steps
Navigation path changes
"Current course" node removed from nav tree
Adapt tests because there are no default blocks
Force some space between action menu items
1. getMock()
2. setExpectedException()
3. checkForUnintentionallyCoveredCode renamed to beStrictAboutCoversAnnotation
4. beStrictAboutTestSize renamed to enforceTimeLimit
5. UnitTestCase class is now fully removed.
Added property 'visible' for cohorts. Unsetting it hides the cohort from users in the course.
CPY [visible,core_moodle],[visible,core_cohort]
Cohort capabilities are defined in lang/en/roles.php, remove(rename) the capability-styled strings
CPY [cohort:assign,core_assign],[assigncohorts,core_assign]
Fix various incorrect urls
Fix incorrect phpdocs and other minor code style issues
Fix missing/incorrect strings
MOV [eventblogassociationcreated, core_blog],[eventblogassociationadded, core_blog]