assignment quickgrading MDL-22610 fixed saveallmyfeedback form. posts now go thru to code and data enters DB fine.
2010-05-31 03:17:28 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Assignment MDL-7206 remove incorrect use of file api
2010-05-27 07:27:51 +00:00
Sam Hemelryk
course MDL-8369 Front page combo list is now restructured and exandable by JavaScript
This patch also implements a course renderer.
2010-05-27 01:40:11 +00:00
Sam Marshall
accesslib MDL-22527 Batch change to replace 'legacy' arrays with 'archetypes' arrays in access.php
2010-05-21 11:51:23 +00:00
Dongsheng Cai
revert some changes, my cvs client (smartcvs) goes wrong, commited all my local changes, MDL-8224
2010-05-20 06:35:41 +00:00
Dongsheng Cai
MDL-8224, minor changes to tweak ui
2010-05-20 06:26:40 +00:00
Penny Leach
portfolio & online assignment MDL-22485 require portfoliolib & check portfolios enabled before trying to add buttons
2010-05-17 08:48:54 +00:00
Martin Dougiamas
MDL-22388 Added some checks to kill these scripts dead with an unequivocal notice unless included properly from a Moodle script.
2010-05-13 02:02:05 +00:00
Martin Dougiamas
NOBUG Fixed a simple notice where idnumber was missing from assignment/index.php
2010-05-12 06:05:47 +00:00
Sam Hemelryk
mod-assignment MDL-22266 Fixed pagelayout for popup
2010-05-11 07:13:04 +00:00
David Mudrak
MDL-21695 Migrating the usage of root help files so far re-worded
HLP forcepasswordchange.html,[forcepasswordchange_help,core]
HLP interestslist.html,[interestslist_help,core]
HLP newpassword.html,[newpassword_help,core]
HLP permissions.html,[permissions_help,core_role]
HLP picture.html,[newpicture_help,core]
HLP picture.html,[newpicture_help,core_group]
HLP roles.html,[roles_help,core_role]
2010-05-06 21:27:58 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Assignment MDL-22265 - fix missing </a> - thanks Patrick!
2010-05-03 00:10:34 +00:00
Patrick Malley
Added additional div classes to generalboxes for additional styling
2010-05-02 02:10:54 +00:00
Patrick Malley
Added class to upload file when no file is present.
2010-05-01 14:49:04 +00:00
Patrick Malley
Added id to uploaded file userfiles generalbox for specific styling
2010-05-01 14:17:30 +00:00
David Mudrak
MDL-21695 Removing pagesize help as recommended by Helen
2010-04-30 13:40:54 +00:00
David Mudrak
MDL-21695 Assignment module now uses new help strings
HLP assignment/allowdeleting.html,[allowdeleting_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/allowmaxfiles.html,[allowmaxfiles_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/allownotes.html,[allownotes_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/commentinline.html,[commentinline_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/emailnotification.html,[enableemailnotification_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/emailteachers.html,[emailteachers_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/hideintro.html,[hideintro_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/mods.html,[modulename_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/pagesize.html,[pagesize_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/quickgrade.html,[quickgrade_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/resubmit.html,[allowresubmit_help,mod_assignment]
HLP assignment/trackdrafts.html,[trackdrafts_help,mod_assignment]
2010-04-29 23:12:13 +00:00
Martin Dougiamas
Fixed a missing string for calendar display
2010-04-29 16:25:11 +00:00
Moodle HQ git importer
Fixing drift between CVS and git
2010-04-29 11:26:40 +00:00
Dan Marsden
remove debug
2010-04-28 02:53:37 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Plagiarism Lib MDL-13680 - reverting commit for now.
2010-04-28 02:52:54 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Plagiarism Lib MDL-13680 - reverting commit for now.
2010-04-28 02:47:26 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Plagiarism Lib MDL-13680 - reverting commit for now.
2010-04-28 02:47:25 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Assignment MDL-7206 implement file browsing api in Assignment mod
2010-04-28 02:16:09 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Assignment MDL-7206 implement file browsing api in Assignment mod
2010-04-28 00:38:30 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Plagiarism Lib MDL-13680 - add Plagiarism lib support for modules. - initially including the assignment module and Turnitin service - Backup deliberately excluded at this stage and I expect some of the file handling to change slightly before 2.0 release.
2010-04-27 21:52:07 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Assignment MDL-7206 - zip_packer allows passing of file objects - doesn't need real path
2010-04-25 07:20:17 +00:00
Petr Skoda
MDL-22181 fixed 'random' overriding of assignment idnumbers in gradebook - big thanks to Gordon Bridge for the report and patch
2010-04-24 17:39:20 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Assignment MDL-7206 - download all submissions as a zip - finally pushing this into head.
2010-04-22 11:33:17 +00:00
Helen Foster
MDL-21695 help string rewording as suggested by Martin
2010-04-21 15:18:51 +00:00
Martin Dougiamas
assignment/lang MDL-21695 Fixing regression, new help strings contained bare single quotes
2010-04-21 06:48:31 +00:00
Helen Foster
MDL-21695 adding help strings
2010-04-21 06:05:22 +00:00
Sam Hemelryk
navigation MDL-22044 Major navigation structure changes.
Navigation has now been re-ordered in accordance with http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Navigation_2.0_structure .
This has led to several changes in the way in which navigation is generated included API changes, most notably using the
navigation_nodes add method now returns the newly added node rather than the key.
At the same time the global_navigation_tree block has been renamed to navigation and settings_navigation_tree to settings.
2010-04-19 06:30:30 +00:00
Petr Skoda
MDL-21695 renaming ->help_icon() to old_help_icon() and going to introduce new help_icon() with new parameters and detailed debugging - hopefully this will help during the conversion to new help
2010-04-13 20:34:27 +00:00
David Mudrak
MDL-15252 Re-committing all English strings exported from AMOS
From now on, all English strings use the new syntax. They are not
eval()'ed any more and the only valid placeholders are {$a} and
{$a->foobar}. No extra quotes escaping, dollar sign escaping and putting
double percent signs.
The modified files were exported from AMOS database repository in the
new syntax and were re-ordered by stringid. Standard GNU/GPL and PHPdoc
blocks are added. Where there was no copyright note so far, I added the
default one with Martin Dougiamas as the copyright holder.
Live long and prosper.
2010-04-10 14:01:45 +00:00
Petr Skoda
MDL-21693 Dropping _utf8 suffix from language codes and folder names; enabling new string managers - please note the transition is not yet fully complete because we need to wait for git to recognize the renames in cvs
2010-04-10 07:24:56 +00:00
Dan Marsden
MDL-21655 fix typo
2010-04-08 09:40:38 +00:00
Petr Skoda
MDL-22033 groupings now enabled unconditionally, groupmembersonly kept as experimental - this simplifies groups code logic a bit, user interface changes should not be significant because the groupings are not visible much until at least one created; hopefully the new description of groupmembersonly will have to preventsome gradebook complaints
2010-04-07 07:37:12 +00:00
Petr Skoda
MDL-16438 separating subplugin detection from the plugin_supports code because it was running into infinite loops in get_string() which is often incorrectly used in lib.php files, but the get_string() itself needs to know about subplugins
2010-04-04 19:58:03 +00:00
Tim Hunt
tablelib: MDL-22011 refactor flexible_table::get_sql_sort into several smaller methods.
Also, change assignemnt to use a separate static method, rather than overloading get_sql_sort.
2010-04-01 13:09:24 +00:00
Petr Skoda
MDL-21655 big scary enrolment and roles improvements - see tacker for list of changes, includes other minor fixes too
2010-03-31 07:41:31 +00:00
David Mudrak
MDL-21694 Moving assignment lang file into plugin scope
2010-03-29 15:22:51 +00:00
Sam Hemelryk
themes MDL-21862 Implements base theme and standard theme.
Very big theme changes, standardold theme has been split into two themes base and standard. Base theme contains only CSS that is absolutly required (e.g. layout, white space rules, specific widths) and standard (which now looks like standardwhite) contains all the frills.
The following noteable changes have also been made:
* Plugin CSS has been pushed back into the plugin directories as styles.css files.
* Install_print_header has been corrected.
* Redundant or deprecated rules have been removed.
* Several minor class changes throughout Moodle.
* CSS is now single line rules not multiline indented.
* Installs with theme=standardold automatically switch to standard.
* body classes / id now have prefixes to make it clearer what they are and avoid conflicts.
Also worth noting:
* There is still alot of tweaking that is required to get everything looking as it is supposed to, please be patient or better yet help out.
* I am currently working on the documentation for the themes system... it will be here soon.
2010-03-25 06:38:21 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Assignment Events MDL-21861 - remove bad call to depreceated function
2010-03-25 00:23:22 +00:00
Sam Hemelryk
navigation MDL-21565 Update this xxx is now automatically added to the nav for all modules by default and is renamed to settings as that is what was being used in the tabs system presently anyway.
The following minor changes were also made:
* Added roles links to the navigation automatically
* Handling of block context for settings navigation
* Tidied up init code for settings navigation
2010-03-22 03:04:00 +00:00
Penny Leach
portfolio/assignment MDL-21035 add a leap2a selection entry when exporting multiple files
2010-03-21 17:20:06 +00:00
David Mudrak
MDL-21652 html_table rendering refactored
* class html_component does not exist any more
* class html_table rendered via html_writer::table()
* html_table, html_table_row and html_table_cell have public $attributes property to set their CSS classes
* dropped rotateheaders feature, should be added again after more research of possible ways (<svg> is not nice IMHO)
* dropped possibility to define CSS classes for table heading, body and footer - can be easily done and better done using just table class and context
2010-03-20 22:15:54 +00:00
Dan Marsden
Assignment Events MDL-21861 - trigger events when files are uploaded in assignment to allow further handling - particularly for plagiarism prevention
2010-03-19 06:20:12 +00:00
Andrew Davis
gradebook MDL-19133 Make grading settings part of mod_edit form. first of several commits.
2010-03-16 06:33:16 +00:00
Petr Skoda
MDL-21769 fixed input validation
2010-03-07 15:24:37 +00:00