record upon showing the quiz, and completing it upon submit.
Two new fields in quiz_attempts... should be upgrade friendly.
(Old attempts will show up as being of duration zero)
Also some small fixes here and there.
If you have existing quizzes, delete them all, then
drop all the quiz tables and delete the quiz line from
the modules table.
Things to do still:
- add/edit/remove categories
- display question feedback on submissions ...
- record the time they started the quiz, as well as the completion.
- place time limits between attempts
- add full specification of quiz open time and quiz close time
At this stage this module:
- prints quizzes,
- accepts answers (for multiple attempts) and grades them,
- stores the grades.
Really, it's usable as long as you don't mind using the database manually. :)
Next up is quiz reports, then I'll tackle quiz creation.