Starting with php74 the following functions are deprecated:
- ldap_control_paged_result()
- ldap_control_paged_result_response()
Starting with php73, ldap servercontrols were included. One of those
servercontrols, LDAP_CONTROL_PAGEDRESULTS, is the one in charge of
controlling paged results.
So, we are going to add some conditional code here:
1) if php < 7.3, use old paged result functions.
2) if php >= 7.3, switch to LDAP_CONTROL_PAGEDRESULTS servercontrol.
With a TODO about removing 1) in Moodle 4.1, once php73 becomes required.
Replace it for correct property_exists() when the element
being inspected is a property of object/class.
Amended and squased changes:
- keep mongo unmodified. The information is array, hence correct.
- fix a couple of messaging phpdocs that were incorrect.
Amended take#2:
- As far as mongo resturns BSONDocument that is ArrayObject, aka
implements ArrayAccess, we have decided to explicitly cast results
to array so existing array_key_exists() and other accesses will
continue working the same.
Significant string changes:
* moodleorghubname,core_admin and
sitemustberegistered,message_airnotifier - '' changed to
* registration_help,core_admin and registermoochtips,core_hub - removed
erroneous 'access to our course sharing platform'
* trackingtype_help,mod_forum and formnotavailable,core_grading and
showgrades_help,core and rolewarning_help,core_rating -
'Administration block' changed to 'Actions menu or admin block',
'navigation block' changed to 'navigation drawer or block'
Significant string changes:
* importgroups_help,core_group - Correcting optional fieldnames
(removing picture, hidepicture and adding groupidnumber, groupingname
and enablemessaging)
* penaltyforeachincorrecttry_help,core_question - additional paragraph
about scoring logic
* resultdownloadready,tool_dataprivacy - wording corrected (no need to
go to a download page)
* auth_dbfielduser,auth_db - varchar data type requirement
Significant string changes:
* errorinvalidbyhour,core_calendar - correcting number from 59 to 23
* cron_help,core_admin - updated recommendation to run cron every minute
* tour1_content_end, tour1_content_welcome, tour2_content_end,
tour2_content_welcome all in tool_usertours - removing reference to
* invalidsesskey,core_error and invalidsesskey,mod_wiki - more
understandable error message
* pluginname_help and pluginnamesummary in qtype_essay - explaining that
the question type can be used for file uploads
* formatnoinline, mustattach and mustrequire in qtype_essay - changing
the word 'inline' to 'online'
version = planned 2015051100 release version
requires= current 2015050500 rc1 version
Note: On purpose, the course format social wrong version (2015102100)
has been kept unmodified. Looking forward a solution right now.
* Removed get_config_instance_capabilities() which was from
older reviewed vrsions of the patch
* Added note to upgrade.txt
* Fixed deprecation note
* Bump versions