After MDL-75762 the overall average row in the grader report
was no longer properly pinned and hidden behind the sticky footer.
This change ensures that the overall average row is pinned again
at the top of the sticky footer when vertically scrolling. Also,
leveragning on the new sticky footer 'toggled' event it is making
sure that the row is properly pinned on narrower screens where the
sticky footer appears and disappears dynamically when scrolling.
After modifying the 'overflow-y' css attribute of the #page element
in MDL-75762, the user name column is no longer properly pinned.
The existing 'top' css attribute on the column cells does not work
well with the newly assigned overlow on the #page element and
causes the columns to be partially cut off by the page when
scrolling horizontally. Re-adjusting the 'top' css attribute to '0'
solves this problem.
Chrome ignores min-width on table headers with table-layout:fixed,
meaning that question bank headers could be resized so that the controls
were overlapping, and could be too narrow by default.
This removes min-width: min-content in the headers and instead uses
Javascript to calculate a constrain a min width based on the content of
the headers.
Fixes an accessibility violation in the gradebook setup page
related to the insufficient spacing between the select checkbox
elements and the 'move' icon.
Introduces a base js class that bulk actions area implementations need
to extend. This class contains all common selectors, event listeners,
methods (including abstract) that each implementation would use.
Also, introduces a common template for the bulk actions area.
Core login page and style changes to support mfa login workflow.
These are minor adjustments to core CSS and a core renderer
change to allow login workflow to better support MFA.
Changed introduced in da2f2c9c modified various zIndex attributes for
the page drawers. This has a side-effect of breaking the user tour of
the course page for the course index.
In the Moodle additions for the Bootstrap Dropdown we update the focus
after a 50ms delay. This is presumably because the targetted focus point
may not have shown yet and may be opened in a separate thread, though
sadly the original reasoning is not documented, and is not mentioned in
the original issues.
As a result of this delay, it was possible for the user to start to
interact and then have focus stolen from them. In reality this does not
happen often - 50ms is simply too short a time for a human to do so, but
it is plenty of time for Behat to do so and we have seen some random
fails as other parts of the UI become faster. When this happens,
keyboard focus tests are broken by this 50ms behaviour.
The fix here updates the shift focus function when closing the menu to
check whether the focus has changed from the previous location already
before setting the focus.
* Fix tag area text shadow colour. It is originally set to
`rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)` so it should be `rgba($white, 0.5)`
instead of `rgba($black, 0.5)`.
* Revert colour for `$content-item-unread-colour` to `#f4f4f4` instead
of `$gray-100`.
- Create a new SCSS file for dropdown related styles
- Move current dropdown styles from core.scss to new dropdown.scss
- Add helper classes for dropdown item colouring
Autocomplete fields can now include disabled options in the suggestion
list. When calling .enchance() on a select list with disabled options,
those options will be added to the autocomplete suggestions with the
aria-disabled arribute set, and will not be selectable.
Datafilters using the autocomplete element can also hook into this by
including disabled options in their list of values.