* ignore_user_abort(true) at critical section (before fwrite($fp, "POST /gateway/transact.dll).
This is last change to ignore request for user.
* Made some functions "static" to call function directly. So, no need new enrolment_plugin_authorize() instance.
Now, these are static:
get_list_of_creditcards, zero_cost, get_course_cost, prevent_double_paid, email_to_admin, check_openssl_loaded
* Some mtrace cleanup. Removed default new line.
This is big work. When PHP5 is required for moodle in the future, I will add static modifier to functions.
Now and future, this plugin is/will unbreakable; Merged from MOODLE_16_STABLE. :)
Some patches must be applied to lib/db.
Look: version.patch, lib_db.patch
Eloy, your question about enrol fields for interactive plugins were solved.
Now, we sure we never use authorize and paypal field for backup and restore.
Because manual is active and cannot be disabled when restoring.
Bug #5358 - Add support for enrol systems in backup/restore
Merged from 16 stable.
1- If dailysettlement is 00:05 and cron executes at this time, nothing will occur. If it is executes at 00:10 it works. I think "<" works faster then "<=" :))
2- Don't compare course->ids by authorize->courseid, because courses are grouped by courseid. We sure each line is unique.
3- Only get pendingorderexpiring strings for sending email if course teachers exist.
Merged from 16stable.
Capture_Only transactions are used when you already have an authorization from a bank.
To use this type of transaction, you will need an authorization code from the card-issuer (usually a 5 or 6 digit number).
For example, if you called Visa directly and obtained an authorization over the phone,
you would need to submit a Capture_Only transaction to start the funds transfer process.
You can manually submit a Capture_Only transaction from your Virtual Terminal by selecting Capture Only,
or from a website or billing application by including the following variables with your transaction request:
· x_Type (Capture_Only)
· x_Auth_Code (the 5 or 6 digit code provided by the card-issuer)
He has a lot of work to do, so this file temporary removed.
After implementation in /backup/restorelib&backuplib.php library, this file can be used again.
But now, this file is not necessary.
Discussion about support for enrol systems in backup/restore is here: