In MDL-82211, the preview icon was updated to use the "fa-regular fa-eye" icon.
However, this icon is also used elsewhere to represent hide/show functionality,
leading to potential confusion.
To address this, the UX team has requested that the change be reverted, and the
preview icon should now be replaced with "fa-magnifying-glass-plus".
The fa-check-double icon for correct/incorrect/partial grades were updated
in MDL-82497. However, the UX team has decided to replace these icons with
the following:
- core:i/grade_correct : fa-check-double --> fa-regular fa-circle-check
- core:i/grade_incorrect : fa-xmark --> fa-regular fa-circle-xmark
- core:i/grade_partiallycorrect : fa-check --> fa-circle-half-stroke
These changes should be consistent with the Navigation quiz block too.
Most of the PNG/JPG/GIF icons in the pix folder are redundant if an SVG
file is available, so they have been removed to simplify maintenance.
This commit removes all redundant icons from the pix/ folder. Additional
redundant icons in the icons/ folder will be addressed separately while
reviewing the FontAwesome icons and their SVG versions.
- Remove 'Use template' from edit page tertiary navigation
- Create a new 'Actions' menu in the tertiary naviagation
- Move 'Import' tertiary navigation to the actions menu
- Move 'Export' button to the actions menu
- Move 'Save as new template' to the actions menu
- Convert add question select into an action menu
- Fix related behat scenarios
The absence of SVG files has been addressed by including them,
sourced from the respective FontAwesome versions available for
download at
Darkened the fills of completion icons in order to meet the required
minimum contrast ratio of 3:1.
* Changed gray fills (#999) to #949494.
* Changed blue fills (#76A1F0) to #6393ee
* Changed green fills (#9C3) to #79a128
Thanks to Barbara Ramiro <> for the help in
updating the SVG icons!