Some users may not wish to use their credit cards on the internet directly for security reasons.
In this case, you need to obtain an authorization code from user's bank.
Initially, ask for credit card information from the customer
like bank name, name on card, card number, expiry date and card validation code
by means of phone, face-to-face or a billing application.
Then, call the customer services of user's bank giving this information and demand an authorization code.
Finally, after obtaining it, login as user to get the user enrolled.
Alternatively, you can give it to the user saying enrol using this code.
* AN_RETURNZERO: No connection was made on
* AN_APPROVED: The transaction was accepted.
* AN_DECLINED: The transaction was declined.
* AN_REVIEW: The transaction was held for review.
+ Fix: Speacial handling for echecks: REVIEW; 'Under Review', 'Approved Review', 'Review Failed'
+ New feature: Upload a CSV file for echecks (capability: enrol/authorize:uploadcsv level: user)
+ New feature: Search payments by orderid and transid
+ New function: send_welcome_messages()
merged from 17stable.
authorizenetlib.php autoconfigures payment method as AN_METHOD_CC if the merchant doesn't accept AN_METHOD_ECHECK. First real echeck transaction is enough for this.