For cohort enrol method we can have multiple instances. We can match
those by cohort idnumber and role provided.
Also adding some extra validation and update tests.
Currently, Moodle uses fetchOBject() from ADOdb to get the table columns.
Sadly, the current ADOdb, especially the fetchObject() function, still creates dynamic properties.
Altering the fetchObject() with fetchRow() to avoid the dynamic properties deprecation error on PHP 8.2
The $CFG->svgicons setting was introduced in Moodle 2.4 due to incomplete
SVG support in certain web browsers.
The landscape has evolved significantly since then, and all modern browsers
now handle SVG files correctly.
The $CFG->svgicons settings has been removed and the supports_svg() method
has been updated with currently supported browsers (IE support was removed
in Moodle 3.10).
When updating a manual enrolment instance, the value of 'notifyall' field must be calculated automatically based on the value of
'expirynotify' field. The relevant plugin's method missed that, thus, the value of 'notifyall' field was never updated when
editing a manual enrolment instance and changing the 'expirynotify' setting.
A functional test has been added to test the entire behaviour of the relevant plugin's method.
This covers the case where a course is published and the launch data
doesn't include the 'lineitem' property of the ags claim, meaning the
tool can manage its own line items.
This handles things like site policies, which store the current URL,
redirect to the policy agreement, then redirect back the current URL
afterwards. In such cases, we want to redirect back with 'launchid' set
so that we can fetch the id_token from the session cache. This is the
same thing we already do during account binding, so the patch only
makes sure the PAGE->url is properly set before calling require_login.
If an activity, like workshop or forum, has multiple grade items,
declarative binding of the grade item (line item) isn't supported.
Instead of throwing an exception, handle the case more elegantly
and just omit the 'add to gradebook' option for these activities.
When creating a course, a manual enrolment instance is added by default. The instance settings should inherit the values of those
for the manual enrolment plugin and properly calculate its extra settings. The 'expirynotify' setting wasn't inherited correctly
in case it had 'Enroller + Enrolled' value.
A functional test was added to test the behaviour of settings inheritance.