MDL-14852 "improve sql in overview report for fetching question grades" moved all querying for question grades into main attempts sql query. AND MDL-14200 "Add group and course averages" some fixes for functionality to display question grades averages. Grade averages are not displayed when grading method is set to Average - as this cannot be done in sql and would be expensive to do in memory.
merged from 1.9 branch
2008-05-15 13:59:52 +00:00 |
MDL-14200 "Add group and course averages" added extra rows to the end of the table in quiz overview report also MDL-14187 "Improve tablelib - improve api and add functionality to download table contents in a variety of formats - XLS, ODS and CSV" implemented the first of my proposals for improving tablelib. Added a extra method to use keyed arrays to add a row to a table. Seems obvious that this is an improvement to tablelib and it is an addition to the API so won't affect existing code.
Merged from 1.9 branch.
2008-05-15 12:27:27 +00:00 |
MDL-14844 "Quiz Report: Bar Graph doesn't displayed maximum grade" added perfect grade to last 'band' on graph.
2008-05-15 11:01:23 +00:00 |
MDL-14201 "Summary graph" - small improvement to robustness for sql.
Merged from 1.9 branch.
2008-05-14 11:18:04 +00:00 |
MDL-14822 "Quiz Report: the quiz report do not find the first attempt" needed to include quiz id in WHERE conditions.
merged from 1.9 branch.
2008-05-14 09:17:09 +00:00 |
MDL-14198 "Make it clear which student attempt gives the final grade, if the scoring method is first, last or highest score" adding a message about the highlighting above the table.
Merged from 1.9 branch.
2008-05-08 09:35:08 +00:00 |
MDL-14201 "Summary graph" included a summary graph at the bottom of overview report page. Shows the distribution of grades achieved by students. If a group is selected the grades from the group are compared with the grades for all participants.
2008-05-07 14:38:18 +00:00 |
For the overview report : MDL-14199 "Option to only show / export final grade" and MDL-14198 "Make it clear which student attempt gives the final grade, if the scoring method is first, last or highest score"
2008-05-06 17:34:39 +00:00 |
For overview report - MDL-14185 "Switch to using formslib and improve the interface" and MDL-14186 "Switch to using moodle_url and eliminate the use of $SESSION global"
2008-05-05 13:12:11 +00:00 |
MDL-14677 "should rescale the grades displayed for each question in the detailed marks view of the overview report so that all grades add up to the sum total grade" used quiz_rescale_grades function to rescale the grade properly before displaying it. Also this patch includes some general clean up and refactoring of overview report.
2008-05-03 13:06:49 +00:00 |
MDL-13678 "Change default number of rows per page on quiz reports" Made a new constant to say how many attempts / questions to list per page by default.
2008-05-01 07:08:28 +00:00 |