This has been generated running the following Sniffs, all
them part of the Moodle's CodeSniffer standard:
- PSR12.Functions.ReturnTypeDeclaration
- PSR12.Functions.NullableTypeDeclaration
- moodle.Methods.MethodDeclarationSpacing
- Squiz.Whitespace.ScopeKeywordSpacing
All them are, exclusively, about correct spacing, so the changes
are, all them, only white space changes.
Only exceptions to the above are 3 changes what were setting the
return type in a new line, and, when that happens, the closing
parenthesis (bracket) has to go to the same line than the colon.
In PHP 8.2 and later, setting a value to an undeclared class property is
deprecated and emits a deprecation notice.
So we need to add missing class properties that still need to be declared.
1. Move flickr lib to lib/flickrlib.php
2. Create a new flickr plugin for public access, the original one will be
a personal repository, user need to login to access his/her own photos.