- core_grades_renderer::group_selector() was changed previously, but it
was providing redundant context data to
core_group/comboboxsearch/group_selector and on the other hand, it was
not providing 'name' and 'value' for core/comboboxsearch
- The $groupactionbaseurl parameter of
core_grades_renderer::group_selector() is now deprecated as it was not
- a bug is fixed: if only a lastname initial was set, the clear search
button was not being displayed.
- Added the `dropdown` class to ensure toggle element focus when the
dropdown is closed.
- Improved keyboard handling by adding the `dropdown` class.
aria.js will automatically handle keyboard interactions.
- Removed redundant keyboard handling.
- The "view all results" option is just a normal option in a combobox.
It should not be treated as the default action for a combobox.
- Ensured correct markup for 'Esc' key handling. aria.js automatically
focuses on the toggle element if the dropdown's toggle and the
dropdown menu are wrapped within a .dropdown element.
- Implemented menu closure for outside clicks and when leaving the edit
- Manually focused on the user search element when opening the search
dropdown due to a focusLock issue.
- Fix the issue of another dropdown staying open
- Clicking on the clearSearchButton should not close the dropdown
Allow them to be edited during report creation/updating, display in
report listings table with filtering, and implement tag callback to
allow them to be discoverable across the site.
Adds the property that is required by Chrome to opt-in to its 3rd party
cookie partitioning solution, CHIPS. This specific change ensures the
'state' cookie, used in the OIDC handshake, has partitioning support.
This cookie can be partitioned unconditionally, since it's a cookie
controlled by the library and one we don't expect to be set without
partitioning elsewhere.
Adds the property that is required by Chrome to opt-in to its 3rd party
cookie partitioning solution, CHIPS. This specific change to auth_lti is
to ensure the MoodleSession Set-Cookie header resulting from
complete_user_login() calls (in auth.php) have this property set.
Adds the property that is required by Chrome to opt-in to its 3rd party
cookie partitioning solution, CHIPS. This specific change deals with the
cookie that is set when the user is not yet auth'd with the site and is
necessary to facilitate OIDC nonce retrieval and validation.
To opt a cookie in to Chrome's 3rd party cookie partitioning solution,
CHIPS, the property 'Partitioned;' needs to be set. This adds a helper
class supporting this, for a given cookie(s).
Note also, PHP's native
cookie APIs (setcookie, etc) don't support this cookie property yet -
Since this class is intended to allow existing Set-Cookie headers to be
modified before being sent (e.g. allowing clients to set a property on a
cookie set elsewhere in code), it deals with the headers directly anyway
but it means that new cookies must also use this helper to opt-in,
instead of relying on setcookie(). E.g. where the intent is to add
partitioning support to a new cookie, that cookie must first be set
(setcookie) and then it may opt-in to partitioning via this helper;
partitioning support cannot be achieved directly through setcookie and
friends yet.
This adds a few changes to the old test_context_not_used test:
- Move it to become an advanced_test, because its mission
is to verify that the assertEventContextNotUsed() assertion
works as expected.
- For consistency, also move the fixtures to own phpunit fixtures.
- Add proper coverage tags, to verify that the assertion is being
- Add a data provider to provide all the current cases and ease
any future case that may be needed in the future. One by one
because previously there was code never executed with the
warning expectation causing the test to stop.
- Run them in isolation, while this is not strictly required, it's
including external fixtures and, we'll need that isolation soon
(for changes coming when moving the test to PHPUnit 9.6 in MDL-81266).