The following are notable changes made in this commit
* Lesson page type are now class based and extend an abstract class. This includes a class for the page type and a class for the creating/editing a instance of this page.
* Converted all forms to mforms
* Action script located in mod/action/* were worked into the above so far less switch statements and the action directory will be removed.
* Implements a custom renderer
* Converted everything to use page, output, and custom renderer methods
* Replaced all deprecated methods incl. print_textarea conversions
* Tried to cut down on excessive DB calls.
Things worth noting:
* The focus of this patch was on cleaning up the module not rewriting it, as such I have organized NOT rewritten. There are still many areas in the module where the code could be greatly improved however to do so would require a rethink/rewrite
This check-in removes about 400 lines of code. I hope I have not screwed anything up. I would be grateful if people could review this change, and keep an eye on the navigation bar in modules.
Any navigation bar bugs you find in the near future, feel free to file them in the tracker and assign them to me. Thanks.
If not to many problems are found, I think I would like to backport this to 1.9 stable, but I am not sure that is a good idea. Opinions to the General Developer Forum please. I am about to start a thread there.
- Removed $course parameter from build_navigation()
- Updated all calls to build_navigation()
Author: Matt Clarkson <>
Committer: Matt Clarkson <>
[Added] Graceful fails added to view.php, essay grading, and reports
[Changed] got rid of a lot of references to $_POST/GET/REQUEST
[Fixed] In reports, it required teacheredit, should only be teacher
[Changed] High scores - teachers can actually see them! Also, improved output by using print_table and print_heading
[Changed] Grade essays now uses fullname() to print user names
(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)
These patches are maintained in an publicly accessible Arch repository, see:
Index of arch patches in this commit:
2004-09-16 04:31:47 GMT
Penny Leach <>
added the upload class stuff for the upload form for lesson
Full logs:
Revision: moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-69
Creator: Penny Leach <>
Date: Thu Sep 16 16:31:47 NZST 2004
Standard-date: 2004-09-16 04:31:47 GMT
Modified-files: mod/lesson/import.php
Summary: added the upload class stuff for the upload form for lesson
These patches are maintained in an publicly accessible Arch repository, see:
Index of arch patches in this commit:
2004-09-16 04:22:37 GMT
Penny Leach <>
upload class integration with lesson
Full logs:
Revision: moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-68
Creator: Penny Leach <>
Date: Thu Sep 16 16:22:37 NZST 2004
Standard-date: 2004-09-16 04:22:37 GMT
Modified-files: mod/lesson/import.php
Summary: upload class integration with lesson
All the page headers work correctly also on the site course.
On the site page the modules don't require login unless necessary or required by $CFG->forcelogin.