The page must contain a form with an action field set to /login/index.php
and return fields username and password
It may be worth checking the URL when it's entered at admin/auth.php
to ensure it is at least pointing to a valid page as an incorrect URL
could potentially lock all users out of a site.
rather more efficient and useful to piggy-back it onto the navbar function.
You can control it with
$THEME->makenavmenulist = true;
/// By setting this to true, then you will have access to a
/// new variable in your header.html and footer.html called
/// $navmenulist ... this contains a simple XHTML menu of
/// all activities in the current course, mostly useful for
/// creating popup navigation menus and so on.
all the modules in a course.
This is so theme designers can start experimenting with popup menus etc
From header.html or footer.html, you can use code like this to get the data:
<?php if (is_object($course)) {
$list = navmenulist($course, 50);
echo '<div id="floatnav">'.$list.'</div>';
DST is now kind of working, the next most important things to do are:
1. Get the import procedure working correctly and well, so we can populate it.
2. Provide a transparent migration procedure for all users to "Unknown location" timezones.
3. Banish $USER->timezone for good.
1. calculate_user_dst_table() works correctly and offers many features:
Can create or extend on-the-fly a table of pre-computed timestamps on which
DST changes happen, keeps track of these changes and the current computed year
range in $USER->dstoffsets and $USER->dstrange. Initially the computation is
done in a current year +/- 3 years range, to keep the amount of serialized
data small and to make traversals of $USER->dstoffsets faster.
2. dst_offset_on() works correctly, and can dynamically instruct the above
function to extend the pre-calculated region on demand (i.e., when it's called
for a timestamp which falls outside said region).
3. Some other improvements.
I have made a few preliminary tests on my dev machine and It Works(tm!) :D