This also includes some refactoring of the bulk actions menu, so both
elements are correctly position within the page, as well as fixing the
alignment of the bulk dropdown with the download dropdown.
Previously this override simply appended any GET params from the
action it was overriding to the final action URL, now it can handle
overriding param values, so that they are updated or added as needed
Previously, filters could only be closed by saving/submitting them.
Now, you are able to close and reopen them by opening another filter,
using the escape key, or clicking outside of the filter.
As per UX recommendations, filters retain any changes until the page
is reloaded (either via refresh or by saving a different filter).
When a closing comment is used, such as when we wrap css with the
rtl:begin:ignore and rtl🔚ignore (the latter being the closing),
it is ignored in the following case:
- If the closing comment is the last item in a csslist like:
div {/*rtl:begin:ignore*/left:20px; text-align:left/*rtl🔚ignore*/}
in which case there is no css rule following the comment for it to be
associated with. It is therefore not seen and registered, meaning we
continue ignoring rtl (a bug).
In such cases, we should either:
- ensure the comment is not the final element in the css list
- use self-closing (/*rtl:ignore*/) comments for each rule instead.
- use a self-closing comment on the entire css list, if applicable.
This fixes a bug when parsing the following rule-level and list-level
div {/*rtl:ignore*/left:10px;/*rtl:ignore*/ display:inline;}
/*rtl:ignore*/div {left:10px;} /*rtl:ignore*/ a {left:10px}
The latter rtl directive was being swallowed by the parser in these
cases and was not being properly allocated as a property of the rule
or csslist.
This restores the correct behaviour of the rtlcss library, which depends
on php-css-parser.
The core_rtlcss class extends the \MoodleHQ\RTLCSS\RTLCSS class. This
upstream library had tests, but these were not included in core. This
change uses those test cases to test core_rtlcss, to make sure future
lib changes don't break the css parsing.