This change:
- Renames the existing setting 'extrauserselectorfields' to 'showuseridentity'
in preparation for using it in more places. (Upgrade change, new version.)
- Adds a new capability moodle/site:viewuseridentity, now required in order
to see the extra fields; if you don't have the capability, you don't see them
- Slightly improves the display of extra fields in user selector list; it used
to be like 'sam marshall, 01234567, email@address' and is now
'sam marshall [01234567, email@address]' ie the fields are in square
- Turns feature on for the group selector - the feature was enabled for other
user selectors but not for the group selector. Tim did the disable code, he
thinks this may be to do with more people having access to group selector -
probably not a problem now it is controlled by capability.
Big thanks to the developers who put effort into this improvement:
* Jonathan Robson <>
* Jonathan Harker <>
Frontpage role selection now allows only guest and frontpage roles. Default forntpage role is selected duuring install. Unused nodefaultuserrolelists option was removed completely. Coding style improvements.
Strings related to users uploading moved into admin.php component. Fixed
calling of new help strings. Fixed incorrect strings call.
The script also copies instructions from two previous commits as I
forgot that the commit must touch some string file to being parsed by
HLP uploadusers3.html,[uploadusers_help,core_admin]
HLP uploadusers2.html,[uploadusers_help,core_admin]
HLP uploadusers.html,[uploadusers_help,core_admin]
HLP uploadpictures.html,[uploadpictures_help,core_admin]
MOV [uploadusers,core],[uploadusers,core_admin]
MOV [uploadusers_help,core],[uploadusers_help,core_admin]
HLP cookies.html,[cookiesenabled_help,core]
HLP overrides.html,[overridepermissions_help,core_role]
HLP permissions.html,[permission_help,core_role]
Define is a stronger verb than manage, and most of the things there are to do with defining roles. I keep finding myself looking for 'Define roles' in the menu when I am testing, which suggests changing the working in 1.9 does more harm than good.
* Move the show/hide advanced button a bit down the page.
* Improve save button caption when creating a role.
* Don't show defaults on the basic define roles screen.
* Explain the background shading on the advanced roels screen.
* Fix the problem with the risks link to Moodle docs.
* Help icon by the permissions column heading.
* Tables with rotated <th>s, make them vertical-align: bottom.
* Rename explain.php and explainhascapability.php to check.php and explain.php
* Tool tips on the number headers in the explain table.
* Explain table - role names were missing.
* Allow link_to_popup_window to work with full URLs.
MDL-11527 fixed warning from $CFG->defaultuserroleid when installing and upgrading
+ removed reusing of previous contexts in has_capability() and get_context_instance() because it was hiding critical errors when context was false, not specified, etc.
+ tweaked roles defaults - faster and defaults are applied when roles exist
+ SYSCONTEXTID may be specified in config.php to eliminate 1 db query
+ static context cache is now reset after rebuilding of context paths
+ path field in context table is now nullable - pg compatibility requirement
+ other minor fixes
MDL-8868 Set only minimal permissions for creator role
+ improved accesslib to handle changes of context levels in capability definitions
merged from MOODLE_18_STABLE