Apart from reorganising the information displayed in the badges page,
this information has been moved to a template in order to make it
easier to modify and maintain.
Create a new profile field type, move all existing content of the fields
'icq', 'skype', 'aim', 'yahoo', 'msn' and 'url' in the mdl_user table to
theses new profile fields if needed.
MOV [aimid,core],[aimid,courseimage,profilefield_social]
MOV [yahooid,core],[yahooid,profilefield_social]
MOV [skypeid,core],[skypeid,profilefield_social]
MOV [icqnumber,core],[icqnumber,profilefield_social]
MOV [msnid,core],[msnid,profilefield_social]
MOV [webpage,core],[webpage,profilefield_social]
Some errors raised when calling external services were ignored.
Displaying this information helps to debug and find the real reasons
why some action, like connecting to an external backpack, can't be
The scopes parameter should be passed when creating the OAuth2 badges
client. As it is an optional parameter, when it's empty, it will
be initilised with the supported scopes for the backpack issuer.
It will happen, for instance, when a call is done to oauth2callback.php
because, as defined in RFC6749, OAuth2 authorization response only
supports code and state.
That way we can check that the expectations are
working ok for every database. Previously only the
ANY case was being tested.
Also, convert them to course badges and check, via
review_all_criteria() that the SQL structures returned
by award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql()
doesn't fail and return the expected counters.
When buildilng the 'WHERE' clause, the SQL generated
a query that selected any user who was a member of the
**last** group, not all of the groups.
I believe the query has to be re-worked so that it only
returns users who are in ALL of the groups. This can
be done by a GROUP BY and HAVING.
This patch adds some changes to guarantee that OpenBadges 2.1 (OBv2.1)
will return always the same JSON format that OBv2.0 (because the only
difference between both versions it's the BadgeConnect API).
This class would belong more appropriately within the 'user' API
(core_user) instead of within the 'core' API, since it is
directly related to user data.
Since the class has only just been added to Moodle, now is a good
time to move it.
Final deprecation for constant BADGE_BACKPACKURL (it has been removed)
and badges/backpack.js file (it has been removed too).
Besides, some methods have started the deprecation process too:
- badges_check_backpack_accessibility
- badges_setup_backpack_js()
- badges_local_backpack_js()
Apart from that, string 'addbackpack' has been deprecated here
because it's not used anywhere.
Backpack URLs (web and API) can have up to 255. However, the form
for creating/editing them, doesn't allow URLs with more than 50
characters. This patch align limitation to DB value (255).
Manage backpacks page wasn't displaying the navigation and administration
menus when using classic theme (it's unrelated to changes done here).
This patch fixes this unexpected behaviour (raised thanks to behat tests).
In all cases changes have been kept to a minimum while not making
the code completely horrible. For example, there are many instances
where it would probably be better to rewrite a query entirely, but
I have not done that (in order to reduce the risk of changes).
The $CFG->badges_site_backpack setting has been completely removed
because it's not required anymore. From now, the primary site
backpack will be the first one in the "Manage backpacks" list (so,
the one with lower sortorder value).
Before removing $CFG->badges_site_backpack setting, admins should be
able to re-order the existing site-backpacks (because then, the first
one will be treated as the default one).
This patch adds the sort order feature to the backpack list.
Setting "External backpack connection" has been moved from "Backpack
settings" to "Badges settings" in order to make easier to find and
configure it.
Some extra tests have been added to cover existing behaviour and
confirm is still working as expected.
Some of the current behat tests were wrong but not failing because of the bug in 'should not exist' step.
Once the bug is fixed, we must fix also wrong behats.
Sortorder field in badge_external_backpack was updated with a wrong
value. This patch fixes this behaviour and adds sortorder as
sorting criteria for displaying the list of site backpacks.
In the phpunit method reviewed for covering this, a couple of
assertEquals() calls have been changed too to put the expected value
High-resolution image for a badge (f3) should be sent to external
backpacks through JSON and WS methods.
Besides, when a badge is cloned, the high-resolution image should be
used to avoid the copied looks blurry.
File badges/oauth2callback.php has been removed and now badges
API will use admin/oauth2callback.php because it makes no sense having
it twice.
Credits go to Andrew Nicols for raising it!
Having mixed $data in badge exporters is causing some issues.
As all these exporters are using $data as an object, $data can be
converted to object in the constructor, to avoid errors and get
the expected behaviour always.
When 2 or more backpack were created without credentials,
a "Duplicate key value violates unique constraint" error
was raised because externalbackpackid was not taking the
correct value.
Other improvements have been done to the code too in order
to make it more readable.