The search areas screen contains several options which are potentially
risky for a live site but can be triggered by accidentally clicking a
single button or link.
This change adds a confirmation prompt for all these options.
The enable/disable search area icon does not have a confirmation
prompt because this is nondestructive (you can just click the icon
again to change it back).
The following used steps were replaced by the ones
added in this issue:
- I fill the moodle form with
- I fill in with
- I select from
- I select radio button
- I check
- I uncheck
- the field should match
Also removing test for deprecated steps:
- the ASD checkbox should be checked
- the ASD checkbox should not be checked
* Expanding fieldsets before setting the course format
* Ensure editors are loaded moved to expand_all_fieldsets
* Return true rather than false when JS is disabled and
non-allowed steps should continue without throwing an
* Submit create user form after editing it
In general aiming for compatibility with multiple browsers,
firefox, chrome and phantomjs to be more specific.
* Removing hardcoded waits
* Adding @_alert, @_switch_window and @_switch_frame tags,
to label actions that different drivers have problems with.
* Adding missing @_files_upload and @_only_local tags to features that
uploads files.
* Fixing a few wait for page ready what specified miliseconds.
* New methods to ensure elements (usual selectors), sections and editors
are ready to interact with
* Changing the select an option implementation to deal with the different
drivers implementations when listening to JS events.
Go to notification page before following links within site admin
navigation, ensuring site admin navigation is loaded
With no js, test should follow site admin link and not expand it.
- Escaping steps arguments redirected to other steps
- Adding normalized-space() in all contains() assertions
- General xpaths review
- Convering provided xpath text strings to xpath literals
to avoid problems with arguments containing both single
quotes and double quotes