Also MDL-17585 Improve layout of manual grading forms to make them look more like formslib forms. The standard trick of stealing the HTML and class names that formslib works, so the standard style rules apply to your form.
* Rewrite all the forms to use formslib and improve usability.
* Put the place where admins need to go to process approvals in the admin menu.
* Show the request course/pending requests button on the page for the category that requested courses get added to.
Bugs: MDL-17479, MDL-16426, MDL-16063, MDL-16013, MDL-15658, MDL-15556, MDL-15161, MDL-14925, MDL-13742, MDL-11557.
* Simplify category editing permissions to just moodle/category:manage and moodle/category:seehiddencategories.
* Enforce those correctly. (Note MDL 17502 is still outstanding.)
* Don't screw up category sort order when you just edit name or description.
* Niceties like where redirects go when you cancel or submit forms.
* Make sure a global course creator can see the site admin block.
* Don't allow a category to be made the child of one of its children!
* General code cleanup to bring key files more in line with best pracitice.
Apologies for the fact it is one big patch, rather than a series of smaller patches. However, categoryedit.php, category.php and index.php where in pretty bad shape and needed significant cleaning up. categoryedit.php, in particular, was almost completely rewritten.
Merged from MOODLE_19_STABLE.
made the link in an empty random question more readable, added a link to show category contents after the list of sample questions of a random question
Well, that was a stunningly creating IE layout bug, and I have no idea why this work-around works. (The margin 0 and vertical-align are the essentail bits, the other two rules just make it look nicer.)
Also tweaked the layout in Firefox to position the icons a bit more nicely.
* Move the show/hide advanced button a bit down the page.
* Improve save button caption when creating a role.
* Don't show defaults on the basic define roles screen.
* Explain the background shading on the advanced roels screen.
* Fix the problem with the risks link to Moodle docs.
* Help icon by the permissions column heading.
* Tables with rotated <th>s, make them vertical-align: bottom.
* Rename explain.php and explainhascapability.php to check.php and explain.php
* Tool tips on the number headers in the explain table.
* Explain table - role names were missing.
* Allow link_to_popup_window to work with full URLs.
I have made them float right, and reduced the padding on the red box, so they don't cuause the height of the form to change so much, if the error fits to the right of the form control. I realise that some people may not like this, which I why I have done this in head only for now. I will revert this if told to.
This was started and usability tested as a Finnish Summer of Code project, and then Olli did further work on it in his own time to get it in shape for inclusion in Moodle 2.0. I reviewed all the code. There are a number of minor outstanding issues that will be fixed soon. See the subtasks of MDL-17284 for a list.
The goal of these changes is to:
* help teachers new to Moodle, so when they first see the quiz editing page, they don't go "Huh! What on earth am I supposed to do here?"
* help novice Moodle users understand and learn to use some of the more advanced quiz feature;
* but, without slowing down more experienced quiz users.
Naturally, with ambitous goals like that, we won't have managed to satisy everybody, but I think this change is a big step in the right direction.
There is extensive documentation on this project at
* New basic define roles mode, with just an Allow checkbox for each capability.
* Button to toggle this form to/from advanced mode.
* Also, a separate mode for viewing a role definition, rather than just showing disabled checkboxes.
* Now duplicating a role just takes to you a pre-populated add role form, so you can double-check things before saving the new role.
* Deleting a role is now logged.
* Role reordering code cleaned up.
* You can now no longer delete the last role that has admin permissions.
* This includes a general refactor of manage.php, which eliminates manage.html, and splits of define.php.
This is being separated from manage.php. This code is only partly working. It displays (most) of a role definition, but does not yet let you save changes. However, I wanted to commit it before going home on Friday night. Since this is new code, it won't break anything.
* Basic mode just hides the prohobit column. Sadly that is all we can do.
* Button to toggle in and out of advanced mode, with user_perference.
* The permission you are selected is now on the page as a label, rather than just being in a tool-tip. (Not pretty, but helpful, I think. I may change my mind on this.)
* You can click anywhere in the table cell, rather than having to hit the radio button exactly.
* Brief instructions at the top of the page.
* Submit buttons both top and bottom of the page.
This implements the page showing the table. It is not yet integrated into the tab bar. To try this, go to an Assign roles page (one with URL .../admin/roles/assign.php?contextid=...) and change the 'assign' to 'explain'.