- When Dropbox file is inserted by reference, the shared link is created and stored
- Added a function to fix old references (containing access_key/secret) with the proper ones
- Added support for external links in Dropbox (FILE_EXTERNAL), using the shared link API
- Make sure that repository::get_link() receives reference and not source (other repositories than Dropbox have those fields identical)
- Function get_file_by_reference respects request timeouts, downloads only images (for thumbnail generation),
- Function get_file respects request timeout
- do not use cache_file class (content is cached in moodle filepool if needed)
- added parameter for maximum size of files to cache
- added 'Manage' link for Filepicker
- added user name to
- added user name (if different from current) to 'Original' field
- added/corrected phpdocs
make sure that repository function get_file_source_info receives as argument the source of the file,
and get_file receives a reference;
reference is a value of DB field files_reference.reference and result of get_file_reference(source).
Fix dropbox as the only repository that have different values in those fields;
also added information about user in dropbox reference and original
- also supress the error on unserialise (because people already may have broken files.source field)
- also display details about unparseable JSON error
- make source field look the same across repositories
- do not die with fatal error if source file in moodle internal repository is missing;
- moved code duplication for moodle repositories into class repository (functions send_file, get_reference_details, get_file_by_reference, get_file_reference);
- update file status after repository::sync_external_file so we know that it is missing (or not missing anymore). Do not run this function more than once for file within one request;
- display readable name for Private Files and Server files with the new format;
- display broken icon in filemanager if we know that source is missing, display information (for admin) where it was located before: see repository::get_reference_details() and extending classes;
- removed unnecessary queries in stored_file::sync_external_file();
- syncronize files before displaying it's size in mod_resource, do not query directly
- function get_mimetypes_array() now contains also information about filetype groups and language strings
- use 'smart' human-readable mimetype description
- never determine filetype group based on filetype icon image! remove function mimeinfo_from_icon()
- get rid of class filetype_parser and file lib/filestorage/file_types.mm, replaced with functions file_get_typegroup(), file_extension_in_typegroup() and file_mimetype_in_typegroup()
- support multiple icon sizes, not only 16 and 32
- retrieve filetype icon only using proper functions file_..._icon() from lib/filelib.php throughout the code
- increase size of repository thumbnails to 90 and icons to 24 (will take effect when new icons exist)