* update checker refactored to \core\update\ namespace
* plugininfo classes refactored to \core\plugininfo\ namespace
* plugin_manager renamed to core_plugin_manager
* redirect back to original page after plugin uninstall
* fixed assign subplugin uninstall
* move assign subplugins under the assignment in admin tree
* fixed plugininfo for all question related plugin types
* auth uninstall support
* added missing block dependencies
* added theme uninstall
* subplugin types are following the plugin on plugin overview page
* several performance improvements in plugin manager
* new warnigns when plugininfo are outdated or missing
* multiple fixes and other improvements
put descriptions in help popups instead of in table.
MOV [interactionscorrectcount, mod_scorm],[trackcorrectcount_help, mod_scorm]
MOV [interactionslatency, mod_scorm],[tracklatency_help, mod_scorm]
MOV [interactionsresult, mod_scorm],[trackresult_help, mod_scorm]
MOV [interactionsscoremin, mod_scorm],[trackscoremin_help, mod_scorm]
MOV [interactionsscoremax, mod_scorm],[trackscoremax_help, mod_scorm]
MOV [interactionsscoreraw, mod_scorm],[trackscoreraw_help, mod_scorm]
MOV [interactionssuspenddata, mod_scorm],[tracksuspenddata_help, mod_scorm]
MOV [interactionstime, mod_scorm],[tracktime_help, mod_scorm]
MOV [interactionsweight, mod_scorm],[trackweight_help, mod_scorm]
Move userreport into /report and rename parameters to be more useful
fix overcomplicated parameter handling
remove SCORM 2004 specific reporting of objectives and interactions to simplify page - these will appear in full list of tracking data instead
Also remove duplicated data - the general tracks info is repated 3 times on the page so isn't required.
remove link to player as loading scos this way is problematic
split out user tracks table into it's own file
convert tracks table to flexible table and allow export
add new interactions report
add tabs to allow navigation between reports
force wrapping of track data value even when no spaces
fix some coding guideline stuff