When doing a backup or restore operation with the normal user interface,
if there is anything in the backup/restore log, it will now be displayed
at the end of the process below the Continue button.
If you have developer debugging enabled, it sets the display level to
LOG_DEBUG and there will always be content in the log. Otherwise, it
uses LOG_INFO which generally means the log is empty, and nothing
displays (no visible change for users).
* Fixed typo breaking drag and drop of courses.
* Fixed the ' ' title for the create new button plus two other icons I found as well.
* Adding padding to items displayed in the action menu drop down. base + bootstrapbase.
* Padding adjusted to the same as on the course page. base + bootstrapbase.
* Removed hover icon from categories. base only.
* Fixed categroy typo
* Removed min-width that was being applied to coursename making its clickable area larger than normal.
* The category tree is now presented using aria attributes as per http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_ARIA_trees
* Bulk action selectors now use aria-labelledby
* Category course count now given access hidden label.
* Pagination links now have better titles.
* The course action icons now present with role=button
* Tidied up course detail permissions so that user is not shown information they couldn't access elsewhere.
* category link dimming now accounts for course creation as an action as well.
* category single select when in courses view mode is now limited to courses user can action in.
* There is now a check at the start of the management page to redirect to course/index.php if the user isn't able to manage in any category.
* Tweaked navigation again, to give the limited users a navbar structure similar to the system cap'd user.
* Cancelling a category delete now takes you back to the category you were viewing.
* Fixed undefined notice
* Improved placement of course request and approval links.
* Several styling tweaks/improvements to the base theme.
* Several styling tweaks/improvements to the bootstrapbase theme.
* Navigation/settings now show best available option.
* Resorting categories works now for limited access user.
* Display of up and down arrows corrected.
* Checkboxes no longer displayed if an action can't be performed.
* Fixed the highlighing of the default category when no categories have been selected.
* Fixed the bug preventing the action menu for AJAX loaded categories from functioning.
* Repositioned course idnumber infront of course actions.
* Fixed display of moveup on first item and movedown on last item (courses and categories)
* Fixed up resort selected categories string.
* Implemented a new course and category management page.
* Deprecated the old management interface.
* Unit tests to cover the new API and core functions.
* Behat tests to cover the new interface.
Add to the existing 'select all/none' JavaScript so that users can choose
to select or deselect everything of a certain module (e.g. deselect all
This fixes all sorts of bother with the fullscreen dialogues. It also means that
you don't lose your scroll position in the document when the full screen popup
It prevents several bugs on mobile where the dialogue could get scrolled off
the page (and handles orientation changes better).
Contains one other tiny tweak to make the close button on the dialogue
a bit bigger so it's easier to click (only for fullscreen).
heading(), change the default value for classes from 'main' to null.
heading_with_help(), add 2 additional parameters for level and classnames. Default value of level is set to 2 and classnames is set to null.
With the changes for heading_with_help(), icon image vertical alignment needs to be adjusted, so it display in the middle of the heading.
Also added some notes in theme/upgrade.txt file.
This adds a category expanded which:
* fetches child content in a category tree if it has not already been loaded;
* toggles relevant classes on the category node to show and hide child content; and
* applies appropriate animations to improve user experience.