- use finfo to determine mimetype of a file only when it is unknown from file extension
- display filetype icon and mimetype in filemanager based on file extension
- fixed a small issue with specifying extension instead of group in file_get_typegroup()
- allow only web-compartible image types when embedding into editor or using in database field
- created new groups web_video and web_audio to use in resource module
- extension was returned without leading dot which resulted in improper validation
- fixed human-readable mime type in error message
- fixed youtube repository to support video files and pass filetype validation
- function get_mimetypes_array() now contains also information about filetype groups and language strings
- use 'smart' human-readable mimetype description
- never determine filetype group based on filetype icon image! remove function mimeinfo_from_icon()
- get rid of class filetype_parser and file lib/filestorage/file_types.mm, replaced with functions file_get_typegroup(), file_extension_in_typegroup() and file_mimetype_in_typegroup()
- support multiple icon sizes, not only 16 and 32
- retrieve filetype icon only using proper functions file_..._icon() from lib/filelib.php throughout the code
- increase size of repository thumbnails to 90 and icons to 24 (will take effect when new icons exist)
Previously up to 2.2, new file records were created for all files that
were modified in the draft area - see file_save_draft_area_files().
The commit aba1e17dd7ffa5e42d309fb2efe7945aeb3b3d39 introduced a new way
of re-using the previous file's record. We need to transfer the
timemodified of the file in the draft area into the file in the real
area when saving the draft area to achieve the same behaviour now in 2.3.
Note this may eventually lead to kinda weird situation when the file was
created say on a certain timecreated but then was replaced with another file
that has timemodified set to a lower value (in other words, the file
will look as if it was firstly modified and then created). This case
should be handled by the filepicker if it is seen as the issue.
This adds &oid= parameter to the URL of file preview images. The
parameter is supposed to be ignored by draftfile.php and pluginfile.php.
It just holds some unique identification of the original file's
revision. Currently, we use the timestamp of the most recent
modification of the original file.
1. Added tracker issue number in comment
2. Fixed stored_file::delete_reference()
3. repository::send_file() will throw exception if not implemented by subclass
4. Fixed renaming unit test, added one unit test for deleting original file
5. Fixed copyright statement for googledoc and picasa repository plugin
6. Implemented stored_file::set_filesize()
- Files that are references to external resources have special shortcut icon in filemanager
- When user selects a REF file in filemanager, he can see the 'Original' of the file in the way that original repository wants to show it, it is loaded dynamically via AJAX request
- Files that are themselves the source of references of other files in the system have 'link' icon in filemanager. When user tries to remove/rename/overwrite SRC file he is warned that all ## existing references will be updated/converted to copies.
- Changed confirmation messages for deleting, moving/renaming of the folders
- confirmation dialog in filemanager is using YUI3 now
- when loading core_filepicker we extend the Node element with functions necessary to display files list in different view modes;
- repository/filepicker.js is changed to use those functions;
- FileManager now has three different view modes (icon view, tree view and table view), JS code is re-used from FilePicker;
- files in FileManager no longer have context menu, they have one popup Widget with different actions instead;
- Added more templates for JS code to FileManager, use similar CSS class names as FilePicker;
- lib/filelib.php : fixed double slashes in path, return more data about files;
- lib/form/filemanager.php : pass information to FileManager about available licenses and default author;
- repository/draftfiles_ajax.php : return information about directory tree for file moving UI in FileManager, return formatted information;
- repository/lib.php : function repository::prepare_listing() now can work also with draftarea files listing;
This is to reduce the performance impact of user profile images
requests. Pictures are now referenced by a revision counter so
any changes in picture will not be badly cached any longer.
If for any reason the preview image can't be generated for the given
file (eg we do not support its mimetype yet), the function will send
404 Not Found HTTP header. This will be useful for the lazy loading of
the file thumbnails as the JavaScript will simply ignore such response
and will not replace the default icon for the file.
In the future, a fallback thumbnail generator can be implemented that
would generate some sort of default preview for all files (eg using
the mimetype icon like some desktop OS do).
1. Implement core_course_get_contents web service
2. Implement callbacks in folder, resource, page and url modules
3. Implement download script for web service