This changes prevent the admin to define an incorrect proxybypass value.
Dropped out formats in MDL-74289 are now fixed automatically.
e.g.: "192.168." becomes "" and ".domain.tld" becomes "*.domain.tld".
This change introduces updates to the existing aggregation API, to
allow types to define whether to group by fields of a column to which
the aggregation is applied.
The new date aggregation utilises this, to allow for creation of time
series reports, e.g. report data grouped by dates.
Co-authored-by: Daniel Neis Araujo <>
* Remove chat and survey plugins from the standard plugins
* Remove all related tables and settings from both plugins
using upgrade.
* Remove temporary admin notification (MDL-82297) and strings.
* PHP Unit:
- Remove chat and survey as a sample module for unit testing
replacing it with assignment module when possible (if not page).
- Remove chat and survey from bulk update test
* Behat: Remove chat and survey behat tests
This change:
- Moves the API to use the `before_file_created` hook
- Remove the newly created `$notify` param for `after_file_created` hook
- Stop persisting redactable content
- Update manager to not deal with `stored_file` instances
- Correct namespace from `\core\filereact` to `\core_files\redactor`
- Add `redactor` as a valid L2 namespace within the `core_files` API
- Correct config setting names
- Adds missing unit tests
- Disables the service for PHPUnit tests
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:emptyremovetags,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:enabled,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:enabled_desc,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:failedprocessexiftool,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:failedprocessgd,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:heading,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:mimetype,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:mimetype_desc,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:removetags,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:removetags_desc,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:tag:all,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:tag:gps,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:tooldoesnotexist,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:toolpath,core_files]
MOV [fileredact,core_files],[redactor:exifremover:toolpath_desc,core_files]