Also, part of the change from weblib.php functions to $OUTPUT-> methods.
This is part of
This is a big change, and the result is not perfect yet. Expect some debugging output
on some pages.
The main part of these changes are that $OUTPUT->header now looks for a file
in the theme called layout.php, rather than header.html and footer.html. Also
you can have special templates for certain pages like layout-home.php. There is
fallback code for Moodle 1.9 themes, so they still work.
A few of the old arguments to print_header are no longer supported. (You get an
exception if you try to use them.) Sam H will be cleaning those up.
All the weblib functions that have been replaced with $OUTPUT-> have version in
deprecatedlib, so existing code will go on working for the foreseeable future.
* Reorder form fields to group things more logically.
** and on the corresponding admin page too.
* Set some options to be 'Advanced' by default:
** Apply penalties.
** Each attempt builds on the last.
** Decimal places for question grades.
** The five 'Extra restrictions on attempts' settings. (password, etc.)
* Admins can still change this to suit their institiution at Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Quiz.
* These new defaults are applied if the admin had not previously set any fields to be advanced.
* Disable some filds when they are not applicable:
** Grading method, if num attempts = 1
** Penaly scheme, if adaptive mode = no
** Each attempt builds of last, if num attempts = 1
** Review after quiz closed options, if no close date.
** Delay between 1st and 2nd attempts, if num attempts = 1
** Delay between later attempts, if num attempts < 3
* Convert quiz.timelimit to be in seconds, for consistency, and ready for the new duration field type (MDL 18500).
** Including ensuring that backup and restore is backwards compatible.
* MDL-5537 New setting, questiondecimalpoints, so, for example, you can show the quiz grade as an integer, but have fractional question grades.
** There is a 'Same as overall decimal points' option, which is the default.
* Improve some field labels.
* Make corresponding changes in the help files.
Also MDL-17585 Improve layout of manual grading forms to make them look more like formslib forms. The standard trick of stealing the HTML and class names that formslib works, so the standard style rules apply to your form.
And MDL-17568 minor niggles with new queston navigation:
* The bit that scrolls down to the question you just submitted in adaptive mode was not working with random questions.
* Teachers reviewing an open attempt were shown the qusetions as editable, not read only!
Have fixed the formatting in responses report and in statistics report to use the correct formatting for the question type.
Created new functions format_responses and format_response. format_responses works on an array and normally just walks through the array calling format_response.
In the 1.9 branch this is controlled by a new option under Admin -> Experimental. In Moodle 2.0 dev it is not optional, it just works.
The main change is letting the manual grading report know which random questions might need manual grading. MDL-4004 - this depends on the random question under consideration, which requires a new questiontype method.
I also changed the random question code so that I could remove some global variables.
Reverted earlier patch and instead using a different colour for highlighting graded grade. Now using light yellow with a darker yellow border instead of green which is used in reports to highlight the correct answer.
Reverted earlier patch and instead using a different colour for highlighting graded grade. Now using light yellow with a darker yellow border instead of green which is used in reports to highlight the correct answer.