1) There is a new site-wide configuration variable called maxbytes,
which provides an upper filesize limit for all (student) uploads.
2) There is a new course-level variable called maxbytes, which further
limits uploads within a course.
3) There is a new maxbytes field for forums, which further restricts
the size allowed in a particular forum. There is also a new config
variable in the module configuration to specify a default size
to use when defining a new forum.
4) Assignments already had a limit, but this is now aware of the other
limits, and like forums there is now a settable default value.
5) Finally, the sizes of files (Gb, Mb, Kb, bytes) is now translatable
in the language packs.
so it can be translated.
There is now a new function get_list_of_countries() which will return a
sorted array of countries in the best current language.
get_string("AU", "countries") will also work if needed
questions and elsewhere
It's based on the hostname, time, random string and a supplied version string.
These are packed using '+ separators so they can easily be unpacked if
function make_unique_id_code($version=1)
that is much better than the proposal to change the role of course creators.
There is a new field in user_teachers called "editall", which is
ON BY DEFAULT, and allows teachers to edit courses. It can be modified
on the teacher editing screen (formerly assign teachers).
The value is cached in the session.
To test for it, there is a new function isteacheredit($course->id)
which works much like isteacher did.
I'm going through now and applying this new function wherever
it is needed.
OK, this is a big check-in with some big changes, and needs work still.
It seems relatively stable, but I need help identifying the rough patches.
1) First grading scales support. There is a now a new table called "scale"
that contains grading scales. There can be site scales (course=0) and
custom course scales. These can be used in modules - I've only done
forums for now but that was the hard one. Scales can be edited via
the new item in the course admin menu.
There is one default scale - the connected/separate knowing one that used
to be in forum. To build this I pull data from the language packs
to create one during the upgrade, or anytime a scales menu is called
and no scales are found.
2) New roles for course creator and teachers. I've fixed up the course
menus and some other things but there's a lot left to do on this to
make it all smooth. The idea is that teachers no longer can edit courses
unless they are also course creators. The interface for this needs to
be smoothed out a fair bit and I need help with this.
The upgrade will upgrade all teachers to be creators, but will default
the new site config "creatornewcourses" to "no", so that effectively
these new teachers have the same privileges.
3) Simplified teacher management. There is no longer an "assign teachers"
and a "teacher roles" page - it's all on one page in course/teacher.html.
Phew ... time for a shower and then back into it.
Added new feature: if a string "parentlanguage" exists then that
language will be tried before defaulting to English.
Useful for dialects or other languages that are similar.
For example, all the Spanish translations can default to "es"
confirmation step required before the password is changed and sent.
Also, many of the email texts have been cleaned up.
TRANSLATORS: check your texts in moodle.php starting with "email.."
- they could break accounts in existing installations
- strtolower can corrupt strings in multibyte languages
Is it really a problem that usernames are case sensitive on PostgreSQL?
When using authentication module (ldap, smb, pop etc...) and postgres-database multiple moodle
users were created for usernames like 'Username' 'username' 'userName'