PHP before version 8.1 automatically converted to int if the function
parameter (or array key) is expected to be int. PHP 8.1 shows notice in
this case
We now abstract the actual file generation to a new function.
We are then able to call this function from the other image generation
sources. This allows us to generate thumbnails in a more efficient manner.
* Stored files stay as stored files and are not temporarily re-written to
* Strings containing an image remain as a variable and are not temporarily
written to disk; and
* Arbitrary files are not captured to string.
GD PHP extension is now required. Add-ons need to remove $CFG->gdversion tests. The worst case regression is that add-on will think GD is not available.
The GD functions are listed in lowercase in the PHP manual. So they
should be using this case in our code, too (otherwise, doc autolinking
tools may not work). I did not remove the underscore from the parameters
names intentionally to have the function interface compatible with the
one documented in the PHP manual.
a more elegant solution to the black border. Towards that end added a
routine to zoom in on image, cropping the border (if resampling available)
or interpolate from neighbouring pixels otherwise.
These patches are maintained in an publicly accessible Arch repository, see:
Index of arch patches in this commit:
2004-09-16 00:03:41 GMT
Penny Leach <>
changes to upload class to be silent if we want it to be, integration with editing user profile and group profile (which meant changes in lib/gdlib.php as well as course/group-edit and group.php and user/edit.html and edit.php
Full logs:
Revision: moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-66
Creator: Penny Leach <>
Date: Thu Sep 16 12:03:41 NZST 2004
Standard-date: 2004-09-16 00:03:41 GMT
Modified-files: course/group-edit.html course/group.php
lib/gdlib.php lib/uploadlib.php user/edit.html
Summary: changes to upload class to be silent if we want it to be, integration with editing user profile and group profile (which meant changes in lib/gdlib.php as well as course/group-edit and group.php and user/edit.html and edit.php