- Added a "All categories" link to the category drop-down box in Category view.
- Better display of categorized entries (more organized).
- SelectLetter, Special and All captions are now properly showed when some of the their flags are not set.
- Properly use of course module visibility (in case someone directly access the URL)
- Any entry could belongs to many categories
- Improved main page and add entry look.
- Added PostgreSQL7 squema (Thanks Janne Mikkonen!)
- Deleting entries also delete its attachments if any.
different because when "no user info" is selected, teacher entries are
exported so, instead of copying all the moddata/glossary dir (as other
modules), files are copied selectively !!
- Entries can have an optional file
- English help files.
- Now the alphabet is a language string so it is now usable in other languages.
- It does not backup nor restore the attached files of the entries.