This is a minimal fix for MDL-18554, I have just added a cancel button and made it work.
The more substantial part of this is MDL-17454, trying to make the quiz editing screen behave appropriately when shuffle questions is on. I am sure Olli will have opinions about this and want to change it further. Rought summary:
* When shufflequestions is off, never restrict manual paging, even if questionsperpage is set.
* When shuffle questions is on:
** Always display the quiz with the defined number of questions per page.
** Remove controls to add things except at the end of the quiz.
** Disable most of the order and paging tab, but still allow the question list to be reordered, in case that helps teachers track which questions they have added.
** Still allow questions to be reordered on the edit tab, but when moving the top question on a page up, reorder with the previous question, rather than moving to the previous page.
* Change the status bar, so that the yellow highlight is reserved for alert information. The more informative stuff is now plain, and moved to under the title. To my mind that associates it more closely with the quiz name. Also it moves Total of grades and Maximum grade closer together.
* JavaScript cleaned up. I learn more about YUI every day.
* Some PHP code clean ups that I forgot to commit separately before making substantive changes.
Allow question types to be displayed in order that is better than random or alphabetical. Since we don't know all the qtypes there may be:
1. Store the order in the DB (config plugins).
2. Set up a good default order for the standard types. (Unknown types go at the end by default.)
3. Allow admins to edit the order on the qtype admin screen.
That allows us to have a few sentences explanation of each question type, and is also easier to fit into a tight layout.
This commit should also fix MDL-18214 Layout screwed in Safari with long category names.
Also MDL-17585 Improve layout of manual grading forms to make them look more like formslib forms. The standard trick of stealing the HTML and class names that formslib works, so the standard style rules apply to your form.
* Rewrite all the forms to use formslib and improve usability.
* Put the place where admins need to go to process approvals in the admin menu.
* Show the request course/pending requests button on the page for the category that requested courses get added to.
Bugs: MDL-17479, MDL-16426, MDL-16063, MDL-16013, MDL-15658, MDL-15556, MDL-15161, MDL-14925, MDL-13742, MDL-11557.
* Simplify category editing permissions to just moodle/category:manage and moodle/category:seehiddencategories.
* Enforce those correctly. (Note MDL 17502 is still outstanding.)
* Don't screw up category sort order when you just edit name or description.
* Niceties like where redirects go when you cancel or submit forms.
* Make sure a global course creator can see the site admin block.
* Don't allow a category to be made the child of one of its children!
* General code cleanup to bring key files more in line with best pracitice.
Apologies for the fact it is one big patch, rather than a series of smaller patches. However, categoryedit.php, category.php and index.php where in pretty bad shape and needed significant cleaning up. categoryedit.php, in particular, was almost completely rewritten.
Merged from MOODLE_19_STABLE.
Well, that was a stunningly creating IE layout bug, and I have no idea why this work-around works. (The margin 0 and vertical-align are the essentail bits, the other two rules just make it look nicer.)
Also tweaked the layout in Firefox to position the icons a bit more nicely.
* Move the show/hide advanced button a bit down the page.
* Improve save button caption when creating a role.
* Don't show defaults on the basic define roles screen.
* Explain the background shading on the advanced roels screen.
* Fix the problem with the risks link to Moodle docs.
* Help icon by the permissions column heading.
* Tables with rotated <th>s, make them vertical-align: bottom.
* Rename explain.php and explainhascapability.php to check.php and explain.php
* Tool tips on the number headers in the explain table.
* Explain table - role names were missing.
* Allow link_to_popup_window to work with full URLs.
I have made them float right, and reduced the padding on the red box, so they don't cuause the height of the form to change so much, if the error fits to the right of the form control. I realise that some people may not like this, which I why I have done this in head only for now. I will revert this if told to.