Fixed HTML errors causing parser errors in Firefox when in developer debug
Author: Matt Clarkson <>
Committer: Matt Clarkson <>
- changed file upload api in formslib
- fixed blog attachments and related code in file.php
- fixed glossary attachments
- fixed embedded images in forum posts and blogs - only gif, png and jpeg; the problme was that svg were embedded using img tag which was wrong, the same applied to other picture formats unsupported by browsers (please note that student submitted svg should be never embedded in moodle page for security reasons)
- other minor fixes
* proposed by Martin Dougiamas
* implemented by skodak
1/ change enabletrusttext to yes in site settings (it is off by default) or set it in config.php
2/ assign moodle/site:trustcontent capability to users whose text submitted in glossary entries, comments, forum posts etc. should not be cleaned == they can use javascript or any other forbidden tags in glossary and forums...
* core
* glossary (without proper upgrade)
to do:
* data cleaning in upgrades
* forum, blocks and some other places (MD decides)
The API was changed slightly so that has_capability now takes the
whole $context object (we almost always have it anyway)
The $kill thing was removed. If you want to assert a capability
then use:
require_capability('capname', $context);
with optional variables to modify the error message
Misc bugs here and there also removed and code tidied
This is a mega-checkin of the new Roles system. A lot of changes have
been made in core and modules.
Currently there are a lot of rough edges and known problems. We are
working hard on these .. .the reason for getting this into HEAD at this
stage is enable us to move faster (our branch was diverging from HEAD
too much).
Please keep an eye on for current status
and information for developers on how to use the new Roles system.