The central "content" region on My Home / user profile pages also needs to
be initialised in lib/ajax/blocks.php in order to allow blocks to be
dropped into that region successfully. Some tweaks were also necessary in
order to correct the "content" region's structure in order for drag-drop
to function on this region on these pages.
Non-standard block regions (including the central "content" region
used by My Home and user profile pages) were causing the temporary empty
block region used as a drop target to sometimes appear in the wrong place.
The call to init_requirements_data (which includes the block drag-drop JS)
happens at a late enough stage in page generation that we can simply
pass the context ID through to the JS, so that it can be sent as part of
the AJAX request. This prevents lib/ajax/blocks.php from having to try
to guess the context from the other bits of information it receives, so
block drag-drop should now work everywhere without issues.
Other than shifting the initialisation from course/lib.php to
lib/outputrequirementslib.php, some workarounds/tweaks were required
in order to make it work correctly on admin pages and My Home.
* constants refactoring
* reworked db table init
* support for $CFG->debug = -1
* functional DB tests
* fixed $DB->get_indexes() to not throw exceptions when table does not exist
* fix handling of user passwords in test db
* add debug info to exception messages
* removed unnecessary PHP debug errors from mathslib
* fixed @error suppression in get_string
* fixed PHPUnit error handler setup
* added timezone info to default install
Internally, the new script modduplicate.php performs a single activity
backup and restore and then moves the newly created copy right below the
When using AJAX the icons are not styled correctly. I've taken out
all of the non-css style from the move icon since this is all covered
by the iconsmall and img classes anyway.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Robert Nicols <>
Signed-off-by: Dan Poltawski <>
This had caused the assign roles button disappeared in AJAX view.
Note - this does not fix the issue with the cloned buttons being resized
Signed-off-by: Andrew Robert Nicols <>
Signed-off-by: Dan Poltawski <>