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2004-09-16 00:03:41 GMT
Penny Leach <>
changes to upload class to be silent if we want it to be, integration with editing user profile and group profile (which meant changes in lib/gdlib.php as well as course/group-edit and group.php and user/edit.html and edit.php
Full logs:
Revision: moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-66
Creator: Penny Leach <>
Date: Thu Sep 16 12:03:41 NZST 2004
Standard-date: 2004-09-16 00:03:41 GMT
Modified-files: course/group-edit.html course/group.php
lib/gdlib.php lib/uploadlib.php user/edit.html
Summary: changes to upload class to be silent if we want it to be, integration with editing user profile and group profile (which meant changes in lib/gdlib.php as well as course/group-edit and group.php and user/edit.html and edit.php
These are the changes from MOODLE_13_STABLE, merged into trunk
The tag MOODLE_13_MERGED on the MOODLE_13_STABLE branch now refers to this point
The biggest changes here are the fixes for HTML editor in all standard modules
It's very early (it doesn't actually do anything yet!) but you can
define groups and get an idea of how the interface is shaping up.
I also wanted to show that I have actually done something on this! :-)
From here my plan is to add group support to the modules, one by one
(forums first), then go back and clean up some of the central interfaces,
graphics etc.
Finally, test, test, test and get 1.2 out well before the end of February.