- Update completion dropdown button styles for students depending on activity
overall completion status.
- Add new behat partial named selector 'core_courseformat > Activity completion'
- Add new behat Feature to test activity completion criteria button or dropdown
for students and teachers.
- Move completion information to a new output class 'core_courseformat\output\local\content\cm\completion'
- Replace current dropdown with 'core\output\local\dropdown\dialog'
- Modify manual conditions logic in course page. Now 'Mark as done' button will only be displayed to
tracked users (with moodle/course:isincompletionreports capability)
- Add new styles for completion dialog contents
Also removed the 10rem bottom margin form the quiz editing page. It was
there to make sure that there is enough room for the 'add new question'
dropdown. But it's not needed anymore (hasn't been since long time ago).
- Create a new 'showmore' template that receives both collapsed and expanded content.
Initially only the collapsed content will be displayed with a "Show more" button. When it is expanded,
only the expanded content will be displayed with "Show less" button.
- Add 'showmore' component to component library
- Add new dropdown to display completion
- Fix completion behat steps with selectors that were not specific enough
- Update behat step that now needs to open completion requirements dropdown before
- Reduce activity icon size: Until MDL-78284 arrives, current activityiconcontainer should be reduced to fit the new UI
- Reduce activity actions button size
- Add styles for activity altconent
- Add styles for activity descriptions and text and media content.
- Add styles to show images inside altcontent with rounded borders.
- Add styles for activity dates
- Add styles for activity visibility
- Add styles for restrictions
- Add styles for activity badge
- Refactor activity card templates to use a grid layout.
- Remove 'description-inner' related classes and styles.
- Add small comments to SCSS for future better understanding.
- Add independent renderable for course module icon