We have a way to determine a valid zindex when adding things to a page. Find all the moodle-has-zindex things and
choose a value bigger all of them. This needs doing in javascript whenever a thing is opened. It's not possible to
fix generically in CSS (remember the historic z-index wars).
Shows a text warning in the manage files plugin window when an editor
has set the 'removeorphaneddrafts' option to true. The text tells the
user that unused files will be automatically deleted on save.
Revert the change I made in MDL-59382 to correctly set the id for inline
form elements because it's breaking a bunch of different places that had
already worked around the problem.
These tests are an abuse and should not have been accepted. Behat tests should use real pages.
Adding testing only entry points to Moodle is a bad security practice and is not the purpose of behat.
The patch adds an extra validation step against accepted file types.
Even if the repository checks are bypassed (as illustrated in the
Behat), the invalid file is still caught by the element's validation
It turns out there is no way to test the filepicker element easily via
Behat. Additionally, it provides the renaming features only with
disabled javascript. So the Behat tests are provided for the filemanager
CPY [err_wrongfileextension,mod_workshop],[err_wrongfileextension,core_form]
The add/roles thing was only converted to bootstrap 2/4 markup and the yui left in place.
The modal for adding users to a course was unsavable so I rewrote it with an mform in a popup, still calling
the same (barely) modified ajax script.
The webservice for searching cohorts was taken from admin/tool/lp and moved into /cohort. I added a generic "cohort"
mform element at the same time.
The webservice for searching for users was taken from the original ajax script.
While working on the filetypes element validation, I realized we did not
cover the case of selecting 'Any file type'. So the value '*' was
falsely reported as unknown file type.
This is a pragmatic (read: hacky) solution of the problem that
Behat/Mink is unable to locate the input field within the filetypes
group. I've spent a while trying to figure out how to make it work. On
the road, I've discovered that our situation with labels of mform group
elements is a bit messy. And generally there seems to be no easy way how
to use the group's label to identify one particular input field in the
In this case, we use mform group but in fact there is a single input
field within the group. Mink does not locate the group itself as an
input field and throws ElementNotFoundException. So reusing the group's
label as a hidden label for the input makes sense from certain
The potential drawback (unconfirmed) is that screen readers might read
the same label text twice. But only one of them is associated with the
actual input field so chances are they would ignore the group's one,
like Mink does.