even non-course and sticky blocks.
The parent context is block_instances.parentcontextid.
The block context should be used for checking permissions directly
related to the block, like moodle/block:view or moodle/site:manageblocks.
However, if the block is displaying information about the current page,
for example the participants block showing who 'here', then it may be
better to use the context of the page where the bloack is appearing -
in other words $this->page->context - to check permissions about the
user's ability to see participants here.
Or, if the block is displaying something stronly related to courses,
for example, a course meny block, the block should probably use the
context for $this->page->course to check permissions.
There is a new implementation of require_js in lib/deprecatedlib.php,
based on $PAGE->requires.
There were a few other recently introduced functions in lib/weblib.php,
namely print_js_call, print_delayed_js_call, print_js_config and
standard_js_config. These have been removed, since they were never in
a stable branch, and all the places that used them have been changed
to use the newer $PAGE->requires->... methods.
get_require_js_code is also gone, and the evil places that were calling
it, even though it is an internal function, have been fixed.
Also, I made some minor improvements to the code I committed yesterday
for MDL-16695.
All that remains is to update all the places in core code that are
still using require_js.
(This commit also fixes the problem where the admin tree would not
start with the right categories expanded.)
* Move the show/hide advanced button a bit down the page.
* Improve save button caption when creating a role.
* Don't show defaults on the basic define roles screen.
* Explain the background shading on the advanced roels screen.
* Fix the problem with the risks link to Moodle docs.
* Help icon by the permissions column heading.
* Tables with rotated <th>s, make them vertical-align: bottom.
* Rename explain.php and explainhascapability.php to check.php and explain.php
* Tool tips on the number headers in the explain table.
* Explain table - role names were missing.
* Allow link_to_popup_window to work with full URLs.
I have made them float right, and reduced the padding on the red box, so they don't cuause the height of the form to change so much, if the error fits to the right of the form control. I realise that some people may not like this, which I why I have done this in head only for now. I will revert this if told to.
* New basic define roles mode, with just an Allow checkbox for each capability.
* Button to toggle this form to/from advanced mode.
* Also, a separate mode for viewing a role definition, rather than just showing disabled checkboxes.
* Now duplicating a role just takes to you a pre-populated add role form, so you can double-check things before saving the new role.
* Deleting a role is now logged.
* Role reordering code cleaned up.
* You can now no longer delete the last role that has admin permissions.
* This includes a general refactor of manage.php, which eliminates manage.html, and splits of define.php.