The parameters $exportactiveurl and $importactiveurl are removed from
export_action_bar and import_action_bar classes. Not only passing them
were redundant and it was possible to generate them by having
$activeplugin (also passed to the mentioned class constructors), but
also we had a bug there. The value of $PAGE->url was passed as those
parameters, but $PAGE->url can sometimes include additional parameters
and as a result, its value may not match any of the available
export/import plugins.
Applied the following changes to various testcase classes:
- Namespaced with component[\level2-API]
- Moved to level2-API subdirectory when required.
- Fixed incorrect use statements with leading backslash.
- Remove file phpdoc block
- Remove MOODLE_INTERNAL if not needed.
- Changed code to point to global scope when needed.
- Fix some relative paths and comments here and there.
- All them passing individually.
- Complete runs passing too.
Special mention to:
- Moved to the level2 "privacy" namespace:
- \mod_assign\privacy\feedback_legacy_polyfill_test
- \mod_assign\privacy\submission_legacy_polyfill_test
- Moved to the level2 "task" namespace:
- \core_message\task\migrate_message_data_test
- \ltiservice_gradebookservices\task\cleanup_test
- \message_email\task\send_email_test
- \mod_lti\task\clean_access_tokens_test
- \mod_workshop\task\cron_task_test
- Moved to the level2 "event" namespace:
- \core_h5p\event\deleted_test
- \core_h5p\event\viewed_test
- Renamed to a better name:
- backup_forum_activity_task_test.php (missing "task")
It seems that the new phpcs3 checker is now controlling those
line comments that previously were ignored.
This commit just looks for all the cases and bulk-add
them when needed. The bash script (mac) used to add all them is:
while read -r line; do
arr=(${line//:/ })
if [[ -n ${arr[0]} ]] && [[ -n ${arr[1]} ]]; then
echo " file ${arr[0]}, line ${arr[1]}"
sed -i "${arr[1]}s/\$/\./" ${arr[0]}
done < <(find . -name version.php | xargs ag --nomultiline '>(version|requires) *=.*//.*[^;\.]$')
All the setup/teardown/pre/post/conditions template methods
now are required to return void. This was warned with phpunit 7
and now is enforced.
At the same time, fix a few wrong function names,
provider data and param types, return statements...
version = 2021052500 release version
requires= 2021052500 same than version
Why 20210525? (25th May 2021) ?
Because master is going to be Moodle 4.0, to be released
on November 2021. And, until then, we are going to have
a couple of "intermediate" releases:
- Moodle 3.10 to be released 9th November 2020. (2020110900)
This version will be using versions from today to 2020110900
(once it's released the YYYYMMDD part stops advancing).
- Moodle 3.11 to be released 10th May 2021. (2021051000)
This version will be using versions from 3.10 release to 2021051000
(once it's released the YYYYMMDD part stops advancing).
That means that all versions from today to 2021051000 are going
to be used by those 2 "intermediate" releases (3.10 and 3.11).
And we cannot use them in master, because it's forbidden to have
any overlapping of versions between branches (or different upgrade
paths will fail).
So, get that 2021051000, let's add it a couple of weeks to cover
the on-sync period (or a 2 weeks delay max!) and, the first version
that master can "own" in exclusive (without any overlap) is, exactly,
25th May 2021, hence our 20210525.
Significant string changes:
* direct:view,gradeimport_direct - wording corrected from 'CSV' to
* limitanswers_help,mod_choice - additional wording added explaining how
the setting works with groups
* pluginname,customfield_text - 'Text field' plugin renamed to
'Short text'
Query using the following fields for
\gradeimport_csv_load_data::check_user_exists() should be done in a
case-insensitive manner:
* email - As agreed in MDL-29315
* username - Although usernames can only be in lowercase during
registration, usernames are being handled in a case-insensitive
fashion when logging in. It makes sense to make check_user_exists()
consistent with this behaviour.
* We need to ensure that we are checking the correct user account.
Since email and idnumber are not unique fields, there's a chance that
multiple user records will match when querying for user data using
these fields. This might lead to a different user's grades being
inadvertently modified during grade import. In such a case, this
function needs to return a null userid.
dirname() is a slow function compared with __DIR__ and using
'/../'. Moodle has a large number of legacy files that are included
each time a page loads and is not able to use an autoloader as it is
functional code. This allows those required includes to perform as
best as possible in this situation.