and admins can approve or reject pending courses.
Also, contains the ability to restrict activity modules on a per course basic. Strict config options:
enable restricting modules at ALL (for all courses, no courses, requested courses), what to do by default for newly created courses
as well as what modules to enable for above category by default.
This feature was created for the aim of building a community side to moodle - for institutes that have strict courses and enrolments, allowing normal users to request interest courses is a good feature,
but some modules may be redundant (assignment, lesson, quiz etc)
Please test!
* Extended set_config()
* Implemented get_config() which takes over $CFG loading in setup.php
* admin/auth.php has special handling if post vars starting in pluginconfig_
* admin/auth.php print_auth_lock_options() prints a form fragment -- being called from most plugins now
* user/edit.php follows the new convention when locking down fields, both javascript UI and on POST.
* admin/auth: More solid checking for auth GET/POST var.
* admin/auth: print_auth_lock_options() now handles user field mapping options for LDAP and similar modules
* admin/auth: user mapping options have moved to config_plugins table
* auth/ldap module has migrated to using new field mapping vars -- simplified config.html a lot
* auth settings migration to config_plugins
DST is now kind of working, the next most important things to do are:
1. Get the import procedure working correctly and well, so we can populate it.
2. Provide a transparent migration procedure for all users to "Unknown location" timezones.
3. Banish $USER->timezone for good.
If the admin specifies a Policy Agreement (via URL in the config variables)
then each user is required to see and agree to that document once before
To get everyone to see it again (on an update, say) one just needs to issue:
UPDATE user SET policyagreed = 0
Fixed an issue with postgres database upgrade code -- drop either index or constraint if they exist
Merge of patchset
Additional fixes for indexes in postgres. A few unique indexes may have been created non-unique. Still deferring the version bump -- please review the patch!
Merge of patchsets
Student and teacher enrolments now unique + version bump
Made student and teacher enrolments unique, enforced at the database level. This patch also removes a cleanup job in moodle's cron that removed duplicate enrolments.
Merge of patchset