Remove all cleanup and exception test references. We expect plugin just to
respond with scanning result constant and notice where applicable.
Add tests for \core\antivirus\manager.
Due to configurable nature of scanning method selection, unit test needs to
be updated to always point to commadline method. There is no need to write
separate tests for socket scanning method, as the scanning method needs to
be mocked anyway (i.e. will be identical to commandline scanning from test
We are using "stubbing" method to replace real component (clamav) control
points with doubles in order to avoid direct calls to clamav. For more
details, please refer to
Notice, that while it is possible to use setExpectedException in the tests,
this does not seem play correctly with consecutive assertions in the same
test after exception is thrown (they seem omitted). Explicit try/catch
construction has been used in testing instead.
To run just this test, use:
vendor/bin/phpunit antivirus_clamav_scanner_testcase lib/antivirus/clamav/tests/scanner_test.php