* Routine navigation through the quiz and question modules
* Fixed navbar through quiz and questions
* Pages headers added throughout
* Added method to turn a navigation node into a tabs array suitable for use with print tabs
This is a minimal fix for MDL-18554, I have just added a cancel button and made it work.
The more substantial part of this is MDL-17454, trying to make the quiz editing screen behave appropriately when shuffle questions is on. I am sure Olli will have opinions about this and want to change it further. Rought summary:
* When shufflequestions is off, never restrict manual paging, even if questionsperpage is set.
* When shuffle questions is on:
** Always display the quiz with the defined number of questions per page.
** Remove controls to add things except at the end of the quiz.
** Disable most of the order and paging tab, but still allow the question list to be reordered, in case that helps teachers track which questions they have added.
** Still allow questions to be reordered on the edit tab, but when moving the top question on a page up, reorder with the previous question, rather than moving to the previous page.
* Change the status bar, so that the yellow highlight is reserved for alert information. The more informative stuff is now plain, and moved to under the title. To my mind that associates it more closely with the quiz name. Also it moves Total of grades and Maximum grade closer together.
* JavaScript cleaned up. I learn more about YUI every day.
* Some PHP code clean ups that I forgot to commit separately before making substantive changes.
This was started and usability tested as a Finnish Summer of Code project, and then Olli did further work on it in his own time to get it in shape for inclusion in Moodle 2.0. I reviewed all the code. There are a number of minor outstanding issues that will be fixed soon. See the subtasks of MDL-17284 for a list.
The goal of these changes is to:
* help teachers new to Moodle, so when they first see the quiz editing page, they don't go "Huh! What on earth am I supposed to do here?"
* help novice Moodle users understand and learn to use some of the more advanced quiz feature;
* but, without slowing down more experienced quiz users.
Naturally, with ambitous goals like that, we won't have managed to satisy everybody, but I think this change is a big step in the right direction.
There is extensive documentation on this project at http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Quiz_UI_redesign.