Petr Skoda
adding missing $dir
2010-09-17 18:36:14 +00:00 |
Petr Skoda
MDL-23984 improvements of check_dir_exists() - replacing by make_upload_directory() in cases where we want to be sure that the dir is writable; removning now default create and recursive params to make code easier to read
2010-08-29 14:51:09 +00:00 |
Petr Skoda
MDL-23984 using standard check_dir_exists() in extlib
2010-08-29 10:12:20 +00:00 |
Dongsheng Cai
MDL-20904, upload function now upload to user private only, remove file_stroage code, using file_browser, added validate_parameters to validate ws parameters
2010-07-09 08:57:03 +00:00 |
Petr Skoda
fixed incorrect comments, thanks Dongsheng
2010-07-07 07:43:28 +00:00 |
Petr Skoda
MDL-22950 adding new component column to the files table, unfortunately this change requires changes in all 2.0dev code, please review all custom code that was already upgraded to 2.0; fixing multiple problems and regressions in mod/assignment
2010-07-03 13:37:13 +00:00 |
Dongsheng Cai
"MDL-20904, web services for files"
2010-03-16 08:29:08 +00:00 |