The API was changed slightly so that has_capability now takes the
whole $context object (we almost always have it anyway)
The $kill thing was removed. If you want to assert a capability
then use:
require_capability('capname', $context);
with optional variables to modify the error message
Misc bugs here and there also removed and code tidied
This is a mega-checkin of the new Roles system. A lot of changes have
been made in core and modules.
Currently there are a lot of rough edges and known problems. We are
working hard on these .. .the reason for getting this into HEAD at this
stage is enable us to move faster (our branch was diverging from HEAD
too much).
Please keep an eye on for current status
and information for developers on how to use the new Roles system.
(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)
Logs now include a field called modid which contains the coursemodule id.
This makes it now possible to
- see complete logs per-activity
- do backup/restore of logs
The upgrade process will currently try to scan all the old logs and
rebuild this field based on available data (especially forums).
STILL TO DO: alter all the non-forum modules to send the coursemodule id
Firstly, I'm replacing all use of old-style global variables like
$HTTY_REFERER with their new-style equivalent $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]
Also using $_POST instead $HTTP_POST_VARS etc
Secondly, if gdversion == 0 (ie GD is not installed) then:
- users are not even allowed to upload new images
- graphs now just print a message instead of failing.
this allows Moodle to still be used even if GD is not present
Basically the changes are:
- I've merged the 'discuss' module into the forum module
which makes the interface MUCH clearer for everyone
- I've added a new 'single' forum type that replicates
what the old discuss course modules used to look like.
- I've got rid of the "discussion" forum type - it will
still exist in upgraded courses but as a normal forum.
- the 'discuss' module is completely deleted - gone.
- the 'chat' module is completely deleted - gone.
- The upgrading system has been improved, and all code
is stored in version.php.
- I've put in upgrading commands to do the best I can
(right now) to upgrade courses that used the discuss
module. It should mostly work, just leaving some
"orphan" coursemodules on you course front page. You
can easily delete these using the little 'x'.
I may have forgotten something - I've only tested on
my testing server and I'm about to test on my production
server to see how it goes.
- Forums have a lot of little new features and fixes. The
main one is the subscription process. Teachers can 'force'
subscriptions on any forum. This disallows everyone from
choosing their own mail subscription - it's just on.
- The assignment module is half-finished and not working yet
I've still some massive changes to do, mostly involving making
all the lib.php function names more standardised, so consider
this is an interim checkin to do some tests.