id, '', '', ', u.firstname, u.lastname')) {
foreach ($courseusers as $courseuser) {
$users[$courseuser->id] = fullname($courseuser, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)));
if ($guest = get_guest()) {
$users[$guest->id] = fullname($guest);
if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) {
if ($ccc = get_records("course", "", "", "fullname")) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
if ($cc->category) {
$courses["$cc->id"] = "$cc->fullname";
} else {
$courses["$cc->id"] = " $cc->fullname (Site)";
$activities = array();
$selectedactivity = $modid;
/// Casting $course->modinfo to string prevents one notice when the field is null
if ($modinfo = unserialize((string)$course->modinfo)) {
$section = 0;
if ($course->format == 'weeks') { // Body
$strsection = get_string("week");
} else {
$strsection = get_string("topic");
$activities["activity/All"] = "All activities";
$activities["activity/Assignments"] = "All assignments";
$activities["activity/Chats"] = "All chats";
$activities["activity/Forums"] = "All forums";
$activities["activity/Quizzes"] = "All quizzes";
$activities["activity/Workshops"] = "All workshops";
$activities["section/individual"] = "------------- Individual Activities --------------";
foreach ($modinfo as $mod) {
if ($mod->mod == "label") {
if (!$mod->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities',get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $mod->cm))) {
$mod->id = $mod->cm;
if (!groups_course_module_visible($mod)) {
if ($mod->section > 0 and $section <> $mod->section) {
$activities["section/$mod->section"] = "-------------- $strsection $mod->section --------------";
$section = $mod->section;
$mod->name = strip_tags(format_string(urldecode($mod->name),true));
if (strlen($mod->name) > 55) {
$mod->name = substr($mod->name, 0, 50)."...";
if (!$mod->visible) {
$mod->name = "(".$mod->name.")";
$activities["$mod->cm"] = $mod->name;
if ($mod->cm == $modid) {
$selectedactivity = "$mod->cm";
$strftimedate = get_string("strftimedate");
$strftimedaydate = get_string("strftimedaydate");
// Get all the possible dates
// Note that we are keeping track of real (GMT) time and user time
// User time is only used in displays - all calcs and passing is GMT
$timenow = time(); // GMT
// What day is it now for the user, and when is midnight that day (in GMT).
$timemidnight = $today = usergetmidnight($timenow);
$dates = array();
$dates["$USER->lastlogin"] = get_string("lastlogin").", ".userdate($USER->lastlogin, $strftimedate);
$dates["$timemidnight"] = get_string("today").", ".userdate($timenow, $strftimedate);
if (!$course->startdate or ($course->startdate > $timenow)) {
$course->startdate = $course->timecreated;
$numdates = 1;
while ($timemidnight > $course->startdate and $numdates < 365) {
$timemidnight = $timemidnight - 86400;
$timenow = $timenow - 86400;
$dates["$timemidnight"] = userdate($timenow, $strftimedaydate);
if ($selecteddate === "lastlogin") {
$selecteddate = $USER->lastlogin;
echo '
} else {
$day_list = array("1","7","14","21","30");
$strsince = get_string("since");
$strlastlogin = get_string("lastlogin");
$strday = get_string("day");
$strdays = get_string("days");
$heading = "";
foreach ($day_list as $count) {
if ($count == "1") {
$day = $strday;
} else {
$day = $strdays;
$tmpdate = time() - ($count * 3600 * 24);
$heading = $heading .
"wwwroot/course/recent.php?id=$course->id&date=$tmpdate\"> $count $day | ";
$heading = $strsince . ": wwwroot/course/recent.php?id=$course->id\">$strlastlogin" . " | " . $heading;
$advancedlink = "wwwroot/course/recent.php?id=$course->id&advancedfilter=1\">" . get_string("advancedfilter") . "";
function make_log_url($module, $url) {
switch ($module) {
case 'user':
case 'course':
case 'file':
case 'login':
case 'lib':
case 'admin':
case 'message':
case 'calendar':
case 'mnet course':
return "/course/$url";
case 'blog':
return "/$module/$url";
case 'upload':
return $url;
case 'library':
case '':
return '/';
return "/mod/$module/$url";
function build_mnet_logs_array($hostid, $course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="l.time ASC", $limitfrom='', $limitnum='',
$modname="", $modid=0, $modaction="", $groupid=0) {
global $CFG;
// It is assumed that $date is the GMT time of midnight for that day,
// and so the next 86400 seconds worth of logs are printed.
/// Setup for group handling.
// TODO: I don't understand group/context/etc. enough to be able to do
// something interesting with it here
// What is the context of a remote course?
/// If the group mode is separate, and this user does not have editing privileges,
/// then only the user's group can be viewed.
//if ($course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
// $groupid = get_current_group($course->id);
/// If this course doesn't have groups, no groupid can be specified.
//else if (!$course->groupmode) {
// $groupid = 0;
$groupid = 0;
$joins = array();
$qry = "
{$CFG->prefix}mnet_log l
{$CFG->prefix}user u
l.userid =
$where .= "l.hostid = '$hostid'";
// TODO: Is 1 really a magic number referring to the sitename?
if ($course != 1 || $modid != 0) {
$where .= " AND\n l.course='$course'";
if ($modname) {
$where .= " AND\n l.module = '$modname'";
if ('site_errors' === $modid) {
$where .= " AND\n ( l.action='error' OR l.action='infected' )";
} else if ($modid) {
//TODO: This assumes that modids are the same across sites... probably
//not true
$where .= " AND\n l.cmid = '$modid'";
if ($modaction) {
$firstletter = substr($modaction, 0, 1);
if (ctype_alpha($firstletter)) {
$where .= " AND\n lower(l.action) LIKE '%" . strtolower($modaction) . "%'";
} else if ($firstletter == '-') {
$where .= " AND\n lower(l.action) NOT LIKE '%" . strtolower(substr($modaction, 1)) . "%'";
if ($user) {
$where .= " AND\n l.userid = '$user'";
if ($date) {
$enddate = $date + 86400;
$where .= " AND\n l.time > '$date' AND l.time < '$enddate'";
$result = array();
$result['totalcount'] = count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CFG->prefix}mnet_log l WHERE $where");
if(!empty($result['totalcount'])) {
$where .= "\n ORDER BY\n $order";
$result['logs'] = get_records_sql($qry.$where, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
} else {
$result['logs'] = array();
return $result;
function build_logs_array($course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="l.time ASC", $limitfrom='', $limitnum='',
$modname="", $modid=0, $modaction="", $groupid=0) {
// It is assumed that $date is the GMT time of midnight for that day,
// and so the next 86400 seconds worth of logs are printed.
/// Setup for group handling.
/// If the group mode is separate, and this user does not have editing privileges,
/// then only the user's group can be viewed.
if ($course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
$groupid = get_current_group($course->id);
/// If this course doesn't have groups, no groupid can be specified.
else if (!$course->groupmode) {
$groupid = 0;
$joins = array();
if ($course->id != SITEID || $modid != 0) {
$joins[] = "l.course='$course->id'";
if ($modname) {
$joins[] = "l.module = '$modname'";
if ('site_errors' === $modid) {
$joins[] = "( l.action='error' OR l.action='infected' )";
} else if ($modid) {
$joins[] = "l.cmid = '$modid'";
if ($modaction) {
$firstletter = substr($modaction, 0, 1);
if (ctype_alpha($firstletter)) {
$joins[] = "lower(l.action) LIKE '%" . strtolower($modaction) . "%'";
} else if ($firstletter == '-') {
$joins[] = "lower(l.action) NOT LIKE '%" . strtolower(substr($modaction, 1)) . "%'";
/// Getting all members of a group.
if ($groupid and !$user) {
if ($gusers = groups_get_members($groupid)) {
$gusers = array_keys($gusers);
$joins[] = 'l.userid IN (' . implode(',', $gusers) . ')';
} else {
$joins[] = 'l.userid = 0'; // No users in groups, so we want something that will always be false.
else if ($user) {
$joins[] = "l.userid = '$user'";
if ($date) {
$enddate = $date + 86400;
$joins[] = "l.time > '$date' AND l.time < '$enddate'";
$selector = implode(' AND ', $joins);
$totalcount = 0; // Initialise
$result = array();
$result['logs'] = get_logs($selector, $order, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $totalcount);
$result['totalcount'] = $totalcount;
return $result;
function print_log($course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="l.time ASC", $page=0, $perpage=100,
$url="", $modname="", $modid=0, $modaction="", $groupid=0) {
global $CFG;
if (!$logs = build_logs_array($course, $user, $date, $order, $page*$perpage, $perpage,
$modname, $modid, $modaction, $groupid)) {
notify("No logs found!");
$courses = array();
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$courses[0] = '';
if ($ccc = get_courses('all', ' ASC', ',c.shortname')) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
$courses[$cc->id] = $cc->shortname;
} else {
$courses[$course->id] = $course->shortname;
$totalcount = $logs['totalcount'];
$ldcache = array();
$tt = getdate(time());
$today = mktime (0, 0, 0, $tt["mon"], $tt["mday"], $tt["year"]);
$strftimedatetime = get_string("strftimedatetime");
echo "
// Firstly, have there been any new enrolments?
$heading = false;
$content = false;
$users = get_recent_enrolments($course->id, $timestart);
//Accessibility: new users now appear in an list.
if ($users) {
echo '
// Next, have there been any modifications to the course structure?
$logs = get_records_select('log', "time > '$timestart' AND course = '$course->id' AND
module = 'course' AND action LIKE '% mod'", "time ASC");
if ($logs) {
foreach ($logs as $key => $log) {
$info = split(' ', $log->info);
if ($info[0] == 'label') { // Labels are special activities
$modname = get_field($info[0], 'name', 'id', $info[1]);
//Create a temp valid module structure (course,id)
$tempmod->course = $log->course;
$tempmod->id = $info[1];
//Obtain the visible property from the instance
$modvisible = instance_is_visible($info[0],$tempmod);
//Only if the mod is visible
if ($modvisible) {
switch ($log->action) {
case 'add mod':
$stradded = get_string('added', 'moodle', get_string('modulename', $info[0]));
$changelist[$log->info] = array ('operation' => 'add', 'text' => "$stradded: wwwroot/course/$log->url\">".format_string($modname,true)."");
case 'update mod':
$strupdated = get_string('updated', 'moodle', get_string('modulename', $info[0]));
if (empty($changelist[$log->info])) {
$changelist[$log->info] = array ('operation' => 'update', 'text' => "$strupdated: wwwroot/course/$log->url\">".format_string($modname,true)."");
case 'delete mod':
if (!empty($changelist[$log->info]['operation']) and
$changelist[$log->info]['operation'] == 'add') {
$changelist[$log->info] = NULL;
} else {
$strdeleted = get_string('deletedactivity', 'moodle', get_string('modulename', $info[0]));
$changelist[$log->info] = array ('operation' => 'delete', 'text' => $strdeleted);
if (!empty($changelist)) {
foreach ($changelist as $changeinfo => $change) {
if ($change) {
$changes[$changeinfo] = $change;
if (isset($changes)){
if (count($changes) > 0) {
print_headline(get_string('courseupdates').':', 3);
$content = true;
foreach ($changes as $changeinfo => $change) {
echo '
// Now display new things from each module
$mods = get_records('modules', 'visible', '1', 'name', 'id, name');
$viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
foreach ($mods as $mod) { // Each module gets it's own logs and prints them
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$mod->name.'/lib.php')) {
$print_recent_activity = $mod->name.'_print_recent_activity';
if (function_exists($print_recent_activity)) {
// NOTE:
// $isteacher (second parameter below) is to be deprecated!
// TODO:
// 1) Make sure that all _print_recent_activity functions are
// not using the $isteacher value.
// 2) Eventually, remove the $isteacher parameter from the
// function calls.
$modcontent = $print_recent_activity($course, $viewfullnames, $timestart);
if ($modcontent) {
$content = true;
} else {
/// Really need to indicate an error here to admins. Is there a way to do this?
if (! $content) {
echo '
function get_array_of_activities($courseid) {
// For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects
// Each item in the array contains he following properties:
// cm - course module id
// mod - name of the module (eg forum)
// section - the number of the section (eg week or topic)
// name - the name of the instance
// visible - is the instance visible or not
// groupingid - grouping id
// groupmembersonly - is this instance visible to group members only
// extra - contains extra string to include in any link
global $CFG;
$mod = array();
if (!$rawmods = get_course_mods($courseid)) {
return NULL;
if ($sections = get_records("course_sections", "course", $courseid, "section ASC")) {
foreach ($sections as $section) {
if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
$sequence = explode(",", $section->sequence);
foreach ($sequence as $seq) {
if (empty($rawmods[$seq])) {
$mod[$seq]->cm = $rawmods[$seq]->id;
$mod[$seq]->mod = $rawmods[$seq]->modname;
$mod[$seq]->section = $section->section;
$mod[$seq]->name = urlencode(get_field($rawmods[$seq]->modname, "name", "id", $rawmods[$seq]->instance));
$mod[$seq]->visible = $rawmods[$seq]->visible;
$mod[$seq]->groupingid = $rawmods[$seq]->groupingid;
$mod[$seq]->groupmembersonly = $rawmods[$seq]->groupmembersonly;
$mod[$seq]->extra = "";
$modname = $mod[$seq]->mod;
$functionname = $modname."_get_coursemodule_info";
if (function_exists($functionname)) {
if ($info = $functionname($rawmods[$seq])) {
if (!empty($info->extra)) {
$mod[$seq]->extra = $info->extra;
if (!empty($info->icon)) {
$mod[$seq]->icon = $info->icon;
return $mod;
function get_all_mods($courseid, &$mods, &$modnames, &$modnamesplural, &$modnamesused) {
// Returns a number of useful structures for course displays
$mods = NULL; // course modules indexed by id
$modnames = NULL; // all course module names (except resource!)
$modnamesplural= NULL; // all course module names (plural form)
$modnamesused = NULL; // course module names used
if ($allmods = get_records("modules")) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
if ($mod->visible) {
$modnames[$mod->name] = get_string("modulename", "$mod->name");
$modnamesplural[$mod->name] = get_string("modulenameplural", "$mod->name");
asort($modnames, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
} else {
error("No modules are installed!");
if ($rawmods = get_course_mods($courseid)) {
foreach($rawmods as $mod) { // Index the mods
if (empty($modnames[$mod->modname])) {
// Check groupings
if (!groups_course_module_visible($mod)) {
$mods[$mod->id] = $mod;
$mods[$mod->id]->modfullname = $modnames[$mod->modname];
if ($mod->visible or has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid))) {
$modnamesused[$mod->modname] = $modnames[$mod->modname];
if ($modnamesused) {
asort($modnamesused, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
function get_all_sections($courseid) {
return get_records("course_sections", "course", "$courseid", "section",
"section, id, course, summary, sequence, visible");
function course_set_display($courseid, $display=0) {
global $USER;
if ($display == "all" or empty($display)) {
$display = 0;
if (empty($USER->id) or $USER->username == 'guest') {
//do not store settings in db for guests
} else if (record_exists("course_display", "userid", $USER->id, "course", $courseid)) {
set_field("course_display", "display", $display, "userid", $USER->id, "course", $courseid);
} else {
$record->userid = $USER->id;
$record->course = $courseid;
$record->display = $display;
if (!insert_record("course_display", $record)) {
notify("Could not save your course display!");
return $USER->display[$courseid] = $display; // Note: = not ==
function set_section_visible($courseid, $sectionnumber, $visibility) {
/// For a given course section, markes it visible or hidden,
/// and does the same for every activity in that section
if ($section = get_record("course_sections", "course", $courseid, "section", $sectionnumber)) {
set_field("course_sections", "visible", "$visibility", "id", $section->id);
if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
$modules = explode(",", $section->sequence);
foreach ($modules as $moduleid) {
set_coursemodule_visible($moduleid, $visibility, true);
function print_section($course, $section, $mods, $modnamesused, $absolute=false, $width="100%") {
/// Prints a section full of activity modules
global $CFG, $USER;
static $groupbuttons;
static $groupbuttonslink;
static $isteacher;
static $isediting;
static $ismoving;
static $strmovehere;
static $strmovefull;
static $strunreadpostsone;
static $untracked;
static $usetracking;
$labelformatoptions = New stdClass;
if (!isset($isteacher)) {
$groupbuttons = ($course->groupmode or (!$course->groupmodeforce));
$groupbuttonslink = (!$course->groupmodeforce);
$isediting = isediting($course->id);
$ismoving = $isediting && ismoving($course->id);
if ($ismoving) {
$strmovehere = get_string("movehere");
$strmovefull = strip_tags(get_string("movefull", "", "'$USER->activitycopyname'"));
if ($usetracking = forum_tp_can_track_forums()) {
$strunreadpostsone = get_string('unreadpostsone', 'forum');
$untracked = forum_tp_get_untracked_forums($USER->id, $course->id);
$labelformatoptions->noclean = true;
/// Casting $course->modinfo to string prevents one notice when the field is null
$modinfo = unserialize((string)$course->modinfo);
$groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
//Acccessibility: replace table with list
, but don't output empty list.
if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
// Fix bug #5027, don't want style=\"width:$width\".
echo "
$sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);
foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
$mod = $mods[$modnumber];
if (($mod->visible or has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) &&
(!$ismoving || $mod->id != $USER->activitycopy) &&
groups_course_module_visible($mod)) {
echo '
'; // Unique ID
if ($ismoving) {
echo ''.
$instancename = urldecode($modinfo[$modnumber]->name);
$instancename = format_string($instancename, true, $course->id);
if (!empty($modinfo[$modnumber]->extra)) {
$extra = urldecode($modinfo[$modnumber]->extra);
} else {
$extra = "";
if (!empty($modinfo[$modnumber]->icon)) {
$icon = "$CFG->pixpath/".urldecode($modinfo[$modnumber]->icon);
} else {
$icon = "$CFG->modpixpath/$mod->modname/icon.gif";
if ($mod->indent) {
print_spacer(12, 20 * $mod->indent, false);
if ($mod->modname == "label") {
if (!$mod->visible) {
echo "";
echo format_text($extra, FORMAT_HTML, $labelformatoptions);
if (!$mod->visible) {
echo "";
} else { // Normal activity
//Accessibility: for files get description via icon.
$altname = '';
if ('resource'==$mod->modname) {
if (!empty($modinfo[$modnumber]->icon)) {
$possaltname = $modinfo[$modnumber]->icon;
$mimetype = mimeinfo_from_icon('type', $possaltname);
$altname = get_mimetype_description($mimetype);
} else {
$altname = $mod->modfullname;
} else {
$altname = $mod->modfullname;
// Avoid unnecessary duplication.
if (false!==stripos($instancename, $altname)) {
$altname = '';
// File type after name, for alphabetic lists (screen reader).
if ($altname) {
$altname = get_accesshide(' '.$altname);
$linkcss = $mod->visible ? "" : " class=\"dimmed\" ";
echo ''.
' '.
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
echo " - ".format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name).'';
if ($usetracking && $mod->modname == 'forum') {
$groupmode = groups_get_course_groupmode($course, $mod);
$groupid = ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS && !has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) ?
groups_get_course_group($course, true) : false;
if (forum_tp_can_track_forums() && !isset($untracked[$mod->instance])) {
$unread = forum_tp_count_forum_unread_posts($USER->id, $mod->instance, $groupid);
if ($unread) {
echo '';
if ($unread == 1) {
echo $strunreadpostsone;
} else {
print_string('unreadpostsnumber', 'forum', $unread);
echo '';
if ($isediting) {
// TODO: we must define this as mod property!
if ($groupbuttons and $mod->modname != 'label' and $mod->modname != 'resource' and $mod->modname != 'glossary') {
if (! $mod->groupmodelink = $groupbuttonslink) {
$mod->groupmode = $course->groupmode;
} else {
$mod->groupmode = false;
echo ' ';
echo make_editing_buttons($mod, $absolute, true, $mod->indent, $section->section);
echo "
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
function rebuild_course_cache($courseid=0) {
// Rebuilds the cached list of course activities stored in the database
// If a courseid is not specified, then all are rebuilt
if ($courseid) {
$select = "id = '$courseid'";
} else {
$select = "";
@set_time_limit(0); // this could take a while! MDL-10954
if ($courses = get_records_select("course", $select,'','id,fullname')) {
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$modinfo = serialize(get_array_of_activities($course->id));
if (!set_field("course", "modinfo", $modinfo, "id", $course->id)) {
notify("Could not cache module information for course '" . format_string($course->fullname) . "'!");
function get_child_categories($parent) {
/// Returns an array of the children categories for the given category
/// ID by caching all of the categories in a static hash
static $allcategories = null;
// only fill in this variable the first time
if (null == $allcategories) {
$allcategories = array();
$categories = get_categories();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if (empty($allcategories[$category->parent])) {
$allcategories[$category->parent] = array();
$allcategories[$category->parent][] = $category;
if (empty($allcategories[$parent])) {
return array();
} else {
return $allcategories[$parent];
function make_categories_list(&$list, &$parents, $category=NULL, $path="") {
/// Given an empty array, this function recursively travels the
/// categories, building up a nice list for display. It also makes
/// an array that list all the parents for each category.
// initialize the arrays if needed
if (!is_array($list)) {
$list = array();
if (!is_array($parents)) {
$parents = array();
if ($category) {
if ($path) {
$path = $path.' / '.format_string($category->name);
} else {
$path = format_string($category->name);
$list[$category->id] = $path;
} else {
$category->id = 0;
if ($categories = get_child_categories($category->id)) { // Print all the children recursively
foreach ($categories as $cat) {
if (!empty($category->id)) {
if (isset($parents[$category->id])) {
$parents[$cat->id] = $parents[$category->id];
$parents[$cat->id][] = $category->id;
make_categories_list($list, $parents, $cat, $path);
function print_whole_category_list($category=NULL, $displaylist=NULL, $parentslist=NULL, $depth=-1, $files = true) {
/// Recursive function to print out all the categories in a nice format
/// with or without courses included
global $CFG;
if (isset($CFG->max_category_depth) && ($depth >= $CFG->max_category_depth)) {
if (!$displaylist) {
make_categories_list($displaylist, $parentslist);
if ($category) {
if ($category->visible or has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) {
print_category_info($category, $depth, $files);
} else {
return; // Don't bother printing children of invisible categories
} else {
$category->id = "0";
if ($categories = get_child_categories($category->id)) { // Print all the children recursively
$countcats = count($categories);
$count = 0;
$first = true;
$last = false;
foreach ($categories as $cat) {
if ($count == $countcats) {
$last = true;
$up = $first ? false : true;
$down = $last ? false : true;
$first = false;
print_whole_category_list($cat, $displaylist, $parentslist, $depth + 1, $files);
// this function will return $options array for choose_from_menu, with whitespace to denote nesting.
function make_categories_options() {
foreach ($cats as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key,$parents)) {
if ($indent = count($parents[$key])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++) {
$cats[$key] = ' '.$cats[$key];
return $cats;
function print_category_info($category, $depth, $files = false) {
/// Prints the category info in indented fashion
/// This function is only used by print_whole_category_list() above
global $CFG;
static $strallowguests, $strrequireskey, $strsummary;
if (empty($strsummary)) {
$strallowguests = get_string('allowguests');
$strrequireskey = get_string('requireskey');
$strsummary = get_string('summary');
$catlinkcss = $category->visible ? '' : ' class="dimmed" ';
$coursecount = count_records('course') <= FRONTPAGECOURSELIMIT;
if ($files and $coursecount) {
$catimage = '';
} else {
$catimage = " ";
echo "\n\n".'
if ($files and $coursecount) {
$courses = get_courses($category->id, 'c.sortorder ASC', ',c.sortorder,c.visible,c.fullname,c.shortname,c.password,c.summary,c.guest,c.cost,c.currency');
echo '
function print_my_moodle() {
/// Prints custom user information on the home page.
/// Over time this can include all sorts of information
global $USER, $CFG;
if (empty($USER->id)) {
error("It shouldn't be possible to see My Moodle without being logged in.");
$courses = get_my_courses($USER->id, 'visible DESC,sortorder ASC', array('summary'));
$rhosts = array();
$rcourses = array();
if (!empty($CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode) && $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode==='strict') {
$rcourses = get_my_remotecourses($USER->id);
$rhosts = get_my_remotehosts();
if (!empty($courses) || !empty($rcourses) || !empty($rhosts)) {
if (!empty($courses)) {
echo '
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
echo '
print_course($course, "100%");
echo "
echo "
if (!empty($rcourses)) {
// at the IDP, we know of all the remote courses
foreach ($rcourses as $course) {
print_remote_course($course, "100%");
} elseif (!empty($rhosts)) {
// non-IDP, we know of all the remote servers, but not courses
foreach ($rhosts as $host) {
print_remote_host($host, "100%");
if (count_records("course") > (count($courses) + 1) ) { // Some courses not being displayed
echo "
/// MODULE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function add_course_module($mod) {
$mod->added = time();
return insert_record("course_modules", $mod);
* Returns course section - creates new if does not exist yet.
* @param int $relative section number
* @param int $courseid
* @return object $course_section object
function get_course_section($section, $courseid) {
if ($cw = get_record("course_sections", "section", $section, "course", $courseid)) {
return $cw;
$cw = new object();
$cw->course = $courseid;
$cw->section = $section;
$cw->summary = "";
$cw->sequence = "";
$id = insert_record("course_sections", $cw);
return get_record("course_sections", "id", $id);
* Given a full mod object with section and course already defined, adds this module to that section.
* @param object $mod
* @param int $beforemod An existing ID which we will insert the new module before
* @return int The course_sections ID where the mod is inserted
function add_mod_to_section($mod, $beforemod=NULL) {
if ($section = get_record("course_sections", "course", "$mod->course", "section", "$mod->section")) {
$section->sequence = trim($section->sequence);
if (empty($section->sequence)) {
$newsequence = "$mod->coursemodule";
} else if ($beforemod) {
$modarray = explode(",", $section->sequence);
if ($key = array_keys ($modarray, $beforemod->id)) {
$insertarray = array($mod->id, $beforemod->id);
array_splice($modarray, $key[0], 1, $insertarray);
$newsequence = implode(",", $modarray);
} else { // Just tack it on the end anyway
$newsequence = "$section->sequence,$mod->coursemodule";
} else {
$newsequence = "$section->sequence,$mod->coursemodule";
if (set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $section->id)) {
return $section->id; // Return course_sections ID that was used.
} else {
return 0;
} else { // Insert a new record
$section->course = $mod->course;
$section->section = $mod->section;
$section->summary = "";
$section->sequence = $mod->coursemodule;
return insert_record("course_sections", $section);
function set_coursemodule_groupmode($id, $groupmode) {
return set_field("course_modules", "groupmode", $groupmode, "id", $id);
function set_coursemodule_groupingid($id, $groupingid) {
return set_field("course_modules", "groupingid", $groupingid, "id", $id);
function set_coursemodule_groupmembersonly($id, $groupmembersonly) {
return set_field("course_modules", "groupmembersonly", $groupmembersonly, "id", $id);
function set_coursemodule_idnumber($id, $idnumber) {
return set_field("course_modules", "idnumber", $idnumber, "id", $id);
* $prevstateoverrides = true will set the visibility of the course module
* to what is defined in visibleold. This enables us to remember the current
* visibility when making a whole section hidden, so that when we toggle
* that section back to visible, we are able to return the visibility of
* the course module back to what it was originally.
function set_coursemodule_visible($id, $visible, $prevstateoverrides=false) {
if (!$cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $id)) {
return false;
if (!$modulename = get_field('modules', 'name', 'id', $cm->module)) {
return false;
if ($events = get_records_select('event', "instance = '$cm->instance' AND modulename = '$modulename'")) {
foreach($events as $event) {
if ($visible) {
} else {
if ($prevstateoverrides) {
if ($visible == '0') {
// Remember the current visible state so we can toggle this back.
set_field('course_modules', 'visibleold', $cm->visible, 'id', $id);
} else {
// Get the previous saved visible states.
return set_field('course_modules', 'visible', $cm->visibleold, 'id', $id);
return set_field("course_modules", "visible", $visible, "id", $id);
* Delete a course module and any associated data at the course level (events)
* Until 1.5 this function simply marked a deleted flag ... now it
* deletes it completely.
function delete_course_module($id) {
global $CFG;
if (!$cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $id)) {
return true;
$modulename = get_field('modules', 'name', 'id', $cm->module);
//delete events from calendar
if ($events = get_records_select('event', "instance = '$cm->instance' AND modulename = '$modulename'")) {
foreach($events as $event) {
//delete grade items, outcome items and grades attached to modules
if ($grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('itemtype'=>'mod', 'itemmodule'=>$modulename,
'iteminstance'=>$cm->instance, 'courseid'=>$cm->course))) {
foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) {
return delete_records('course_modules', 'id', $cm->id);
function delete_mod_from_section($mod, $section) {
if ($section = get_record("course_sections", "id", "$section") ) {
$modarray = explode(",", $section->sequence);
if ($key = array_keys ($modarray, $mod)) {
array_splice($modarray, $key[0], 1);
$newsequence = implode(",", $modarray);
return set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $section->id);
} else {
return false;
return false;
function move_section($course, $section, $move) {
/// Moves a whole course section up and down within the course
global $USER;
if (!$move) {
return true;
$sectiondest = $section + $move;
if ($sectiondest > $course->numsections or $sectiondest < 1) {
return false;
if (!$sectionrecord = get_record("course_sections", "course", $course->id, "section", $section)) {
return false;
if (!$sectiondestrecord = get_record("course_sections", "course", $course->id, "section", $sectiondest)) {
return false;
if (!set_field("course_sections", "section", $sectiondest, "id", $sectionrecord->id)) {
return false;
if (!set_field("course_sections", "section", $section, "id", $sectiondestrecord->id)) {
return false;
// if the focus is on the section that is being moved, then move the focus along
if (isset($USER->display[$course->id]) and ($USER->display[$course->id] == $section)) {
course_set_display($course->id, $sectiondest);
// Check for duplicates and fix order if needed.
// There is a very rare case that some sections in the same course have the same section id.
$sections = get_records_select('course_sections', "course = $course->id", 'section ASC');
$n = 0;
foreach ($sections as $section) {
if ($section->section != $n) {
if (!set_field('course_sections', 'section', $n, 'id', $section->id)) {
return false;
return true;
function moveto_module($mod, $section, $beforemod=NULL) {
/// All parameters are objects
/// Move the module object $mod to the specified $section
/// If $beforemod exists then that is the module
/// before which $modid should be inserted
/// Remove original module from original section
if (! delete_mod_from_section($mod->id, $mod->section)) {
notify("Could not delete module from existing section");
/// Update module itself if necessary
if ($mod->section != $section->id) {
$mod->section = $section->id;
if (!update_record("course_modules", $mod)) {
return false;
// if moving to a hidden section then hide module
if (!$section->visible) {
set_coursemodule_visible($mod->id, 0);
/// Add the module into the new section
$mod->course = $section->course;
$mod->section = $section->section; // need relative reference
$mod->coursemodule = $mod->id;
if (! add_mod_to_section($mod, $beforemod)) {
return false;
return true;
function make_editing_buttons($mod, $absolute=false, $moveselect=true, $indent=-1, $section=-1) {
global $CFG, $USER;
static $str;
static $sesskey;
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $mod->id);
// no permission to edit
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $modcontext)) {
return false;
if (!isset($str)) {
$str->delete = get_string("delete");
$str->move = get_string("move");
$str->moveup = get_string("moveup");
$str->movedown = get_string("movedown");
$str->moveright = get_string("moveright");
$str->moveleft = get_string("moveleft");
$str->update = get_string("update");
$str->duplicate = get_string("duplicate");
$str->hide = get_string("hide");
$str->show = get_string("show");
$str->clicktochange = get_string("clicktochange");
$str->forcedmode = get_string("forcedmode");
$str->groupsnone = get_string("groupsnone");
$str->groupsseparate = get_string("groupsseparate");
$str->groupsvisible = get_string("groupsvisible");
$sesskey = sesskey();
if ($section >= 0) {
$section = '&sr='.$section; // Section return
} else {
$section = '';
if ($absolute) {
$path = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course';
} else {
$path = '.';
if (has_capability('moodle/course:activityvisibility', $modcontext)) {
if ($mod->visible) {
$hideshow = ''."\n";
} else {
$hideshow = ''."\n";
if ($mod->groupmode !== false) {
if ($mod->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
$grouptitle = $str->groupsseparate;
$groupclass = 'editing_groupsseparate';
$groupimage = $CFG->pixpath.'/t/groups.gif';
$grouplink = $path.'/mod.php?id='.$mod->id.'&groupmode=0&sesskey='.$sesskey;
} else if ($mod->groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
$grouptitle = $str->groupsvisible;
$groupclass = 'editing_groupsvisible';
$groupimage = $CFG->pixpath.'/t/groupv.gif';
$grouplink = $path.'/mod.php?id='.$mod->id.'&groupmode=1&sesskey='.$sesskey;
} else {
$grouptitle = $str->groupsnone;
$groupclass = 'editing_groupsnone';
$groupimage = $CFG->pixpath.'/t/groupn.gif';
$grouplink = $path.'/mod.php?id='.$mod->id.'&groupmode=2&sesskey='.$sesskey;
if ($mod->groupmodelink) {
$groupmode = ''.
} else {
$groupmode = '';
} else {
$groupmode = "";
if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $mod->course))) {
if ($moveselect) {
$move = ''."\n";
} else {
$move = ''."\n".
} else {
$move = '';
$leftright = '';
if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $mod->course))) {
if (right_to_left()) { // Exchange arrows on RTL
$rightarrow = 'left.gif';
$leftarrow = 'right.gif';
} else {
$rightarrow = 'right.gif';
$leftarrow = 'left.gif';
if ($indent > 0) {
$leftright .= ''."\n";
if ($indent >= 0) {
$leftright .= ''."\n";
return ''."\n".$leftright.$move.
* given a course object with shortname & fullname, this function will
* truncate the the number of chars allowed and add ... if it was too long
function course_format_name ($course,$max=100) {
$str = $course->shortname.': '. $course->fullname;
if (strlen($str) <= $max) {
return $str;
else {
return substr($str,0,$max-3).'...';
* This function will return true if the given course is a child course at all
function course_in_meta ($course) {
return record_exists("course_meta","child_course",$course->id);
* Print standard form elements on module setup forms in mod/.../mod.html
function print_standard_coursemodule_settings($form, $features=null) {
if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $form->course)) {
error("This course doesn't exist");
print_groupmode_setting($form, $course);
if (!empty($features->groupings)) {
print_grouping_settings($form, $course);
print_visible_setting($form, $course);
* Print groupmode form element on module setup forms in mod/.../mod.html
function print_groupmode_setting($form, $course=NULL) {
if (empty($course)) {
if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $form->course)) {
error("This course doesn't exist");
if ($form->coursemodule) {
if (! $cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $form->coursemodule)) {
error("This course module doesn't exist");
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm);
} else {
$cm = null;
$groupmode = groups_get_course_groupmode($course);
if ($course->groupmode or (!$course->groupmodeforce)) {
echo '
function update_restricted_mods($course,$mods) {
if (empty($course->restrictmodules)) {
else {
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
if ($mod == 0)
continue; // this is the 'allow none' option
$am->course = $course->id;
$am->module = $mod;
* This function will take an int (module id) or a string (module name)
* and return true or false, whether it's allowed in the given course (object)
* $mod is not allowed to be an object, as the field for the module id is inconsistent
* depending on where in the code it's called from (sometimes $mod->id, sometimes $mod->module)
function course_allowed_module($course,$mod) {
if (empty($course->restrictmodules)) {
return true;
// i am not sure this capability is correct
if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) {
return true;
if (is_numeric($mod)) {
$modid = $mod;
} else if (is_string($mod)) {
if ($mod = get_field("modules","id","name",$mod))
$modid = $mod;
if (empty($modid)) {
return false;
return (record_exists("course_allowed_modules","course",$course->id,"module",$modid));
*** Efficiently moves many courses around while maintaining
*** sortorder in order.
*** $courseids is an array of course ids
function move_courses ($courseids, $categoryid) {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($courseids)) {
$courseids = array_reverse($courseids);
foreach ($courseids as $courseid) {
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $courseid)) {
notify("Error finding course $courseid");
} else {
// figure out a sortorder that we can use in the destination category
$sortorder = get_field_sql('SELECT MIN(sortorder)-1 AS min
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'course WHERE category=' . $categoryid);
if ($sortorder === false) {
// the category is empty
// rather than let the db default to 0
// set it to > 100 and avoid extra work in fix_coursesortorder()
$sortorder = 200;
} else if ($sortorder < 10) {
$course->category = $categoryid;
$course->sortorder = $sortorder;
$course->fullname = addslashes($course->fullname);
$course->shortname = addslashes($course->shortname);
$course->summary = addslashes($course->summary);
$course->password = addslashes($course->password);
$course->teacher = addslashes($course->teacher);
$course->teachers = addslashes($course->teachers);
$course->student = addslashes($course->student);
$course->students = addslashes($course->students);
if (!update_record('course', $course)) {
notify("An error occurred - course not moved!");
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $course->category);
context_moved($context, $newparent);
return true;
*** Efficiently moves a category - NOTE that this can have
*** a huge impact access-control-wise...
function move_category ($category, $newparentcat) {
global $CFG;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $category->id);
if (empty($newparentcat->id)) {
if (!set_field('course_categories', 'parent', 0, 'id', $category->id)) {
return false;
$newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
} else {
if (!set_field('course_categories', 'parent', $newparentcat->id, 'id', $category->id)) {
return false;
$newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $newparentcat->id);
context_moved($context, $newparent);
// The most effective thing would be to find the common parent,
// until then, do it sitewide...
return true;
* @param string $format Course format ID e.g. 'weeks'
* @return Name that the course format prefers for sections
function get_section_name($format) {
$sectionname = get_string("name$format","format_$format");
if($sectionname == "[[name$format]]") {
$sectionname = get_string("name$format");
return $sectionname;
* Can the current user delete this course?
* @param int $courseid
* @return boolean
* Exception here to fix MDL-7796.
* Course creators who can manage activities in the course
* shoule be allowed to delete the course. We do it this
* way because we need a quick fix to bring the functionality
* in line with what we had pre-roles. We can't give the
* default course creator role moodle/course:delete at
* CONTEXT_SYSTEM level because this will allow them to
* delete any course in the site. So we hard code this here
* for now.
* @author vyshane AT
function can_delete_course($courseid) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid);
return ( has_capability('moodle/course:delete', $context)
|| (has_capability('moodle/legacy:coursecreator', $context)
&& has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $context)) );
* Create a course and either return a $course object or false
* @param object $data - all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
function create_course($data) {
global $CFG, $USER;
// preprocess allowed mods
$allowedmods = empty($data->allowedmods) ? array() : $data->allowedmods;
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
if ($CFG->restrictmodulesfor == 'all') {
$data->restrictmodules = 1;
} else {
$data->restrictmodules = 0;
$data->timecreated = time();
// place at beginning of category
$data->sortorder = get_field_sql("SELECT min(sortorder)-1 FROM {$CFG->prefix}course WHERE category=$data->category");
if (empty($data->sortorder)) {
$data->sortorder = 100;
if ($newcourseid = insert_record('course', $data)) { // Set up new course
$course = get_record('course', 'id', $newcourseid);
// Setup the blocks
$page = page_create_object(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $course->id);
blocks_repopulate_page($page); // Return value not checked because you can always edit later
if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
update_restricted_mods($course, $allowedmods);
$section = new object();
$section->course = $course->id; // Create a default section.
$section->section = 0;
$section->id = insert_record('course_sections', $section);
add_to_log(SITEID, 'course', 'new', 'view.php?id='.$course->id, $data->fullname.' (ID '.$course->id.')');
return $course;
return false; // error
* Update a course and return true or false
* @param object $data - all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
function update_course($data) {
global $USER, $CFG;
// preprocess allowed mods
$allowedmods = empty($data->allowedmods) ? array() : $data->allowedmods;
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
$movecat = false;
$oldcourse = get_record('course', 'id', $data->id); // should not fail, already tested above
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:create', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $oldcourse->category))
or !has_capability('moodle/course:create', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $data->category))) {
// can not move to new category, keep the old one
} elseif ($oldcourse->category != $data->category) {
$movecat = true;
// Update with the new data
if (update_record('course', $data)) {
$course = get_record('course', 'id', $data->id);
add_to_log($course->id, "course", "update", "edit.php?id=$course->id", $course->id);
if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
update_restricted_mods($course, $allowedmods);
if ($movecat) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $course->category);
context_moved($context, $newparent);
// Test for and remove blocks which aren't appropriate anymore
$page = page_create_object(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $course->id);
// put custom role names into db
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
foreach ($data as $dname => $dvalue) {
// is this the right param?
$dvalue = clean_param($dvalue, PARAM_NOTAGS);
if (!strstr($dname, 'role_')) {
$dt = explode('_', $dname);
$roleid = $dt[1];
// make up our mind whether we want to delete, update or insert
if (empty($dvalue)) {
delete_records('role_names', 'contextid', $context->id, 'roleid', $roleid);
} else if ($t = get_record('role_names', 'contextid', $context->id, 'roleid', $roleid)) {
$t->text = $dvalue;
update_record('role_names', $t);
} else {
$t->contextid = $context->id;
$t->roleid = $roleid;
$t->text = $dvalue;
insert_record('role_names', $t);
return true;
return false;