prefix}quiz_categories qc, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions qq WHERE = qq.category AND = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizquestions = get_record('quiz_questions','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizquestions->name, $fromenc); $newquizquestion = new object; $newquizquestion->id = $recordid; $newquizquestion->name = $result; update_record('quiz_questions',$newquizquestion); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_questions_questiontext($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions qq WHERE = qq.category AND = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizquestions = get_record('quiz_questions','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizquestions->questiontext, $fromenc); $newquizquestion = new object; $newquizquestion->id = $recordid; $newquizquestion->questiontext = $result; update_record('quiz_questions',$newquizquestion); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_numerical_units_unit($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions qq, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_numerical_units qnu WHERE = qq.category AND = qnu.question AND = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quiznumericalunits = get_record('quiz_numerical_units','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quiznumericalunits->unit, $fromenc); $newquiznumericalunits = new object; $newquiznumericalunits->id = $recordid; $newquiznumericalunits->unit = $result; update_record('quiz_numerical_units',$newquiznumericalunits); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_match_sub_questiontext($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions qq, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_match_sub qms WHERE = qq.category AND = qms.question AND = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizmatchsub = get_record('quiz_match_sub','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizmatchsub->questiontext, $fromenc); $newquizmatchsub = new object; $newquizmatchsub->id = $recordid; $newquizmatchsub->questiontext = $result; update_record('quiz_match_sub',$newquizmatchsub); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_match_sub_answertext($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions qq, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_match_sub qms WHERE = qq.category AND = qms.question AND = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizmatchsub = get_record('quiz_match_sub','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizmatchsub->answertext, $fromenc); $newquizmatchsub = new object; $newquizmatchsub->id = $recordid; $newquizmatchsub->answertext = $result; update_record('quiz_match_sub',$newquizmatchsub); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_answers_answer($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions qq, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers qa WHERE = qq.category AND = qa.question AND = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizanswer= get_record('quiz_answers','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizanswer->answer, $fromenc); $newquizanswer = new object; $newquizanswer->id = $recordid; $newquizanswer->answer = $result; update_record('quiz_answers',$newquizanswer); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_answers_feedback($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions qq, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers qa WHERE = qq.category AND = qa.question AND = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizanswer= get_record('quiz_answers','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizanswer->feedback, $fromenc); $newquizanswer = new object; $newquizanswer->id = $recordid; $newquizanswer->feedback = $result; update_record('quiz_answers',$newquizanswer); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_dataset_definitions_name($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_dataset_definitions qdd WHERE = qdd.category AND = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizdatasetdefinition = get_record('quiz_dataset_definitions','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizdatasetdefinition->name, $fromenc); $newquizdatasetdefinition = new object; $newquizdatasetdefinition->id = $recordid; $newquizdatasetdefinition->name = $result; update_record('quiz_dataset_definitions',$newquizdatasetdefinition); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_categories_name($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc WHERE = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizcategory = get_record('quiz_categories','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizcategory->name, $fromenc); $newquizcategory = new object; $newquizcategory->id = $recordid; $newquizcategory->name = $result; update_record('quiz_categories',$newquizcategory); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_categories_info($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $SQL = "SELECT qc.course FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_categories qc WHERE = $recordid"; if (!$quiz = get_record_sql($SQL)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quizcategory = get_record('quiz_categories','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quizcategory->info, $fromenc); $newquizcategory = new object; $newquizcategory->id = $recordid; $newquizcategory->info = $result; update_record('quiz_categories',$newquizcategory); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_name($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quiz = get_record('quiz','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quiz->name, $fromenc); $newquiz = new object; $newquiz->id = $recordid; $newquiz->name = $result; update_record('quiz',$newquiz); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_intro($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quiz = get_record('quiz','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quiz->intro, $fromenc); $newquiz = new object; $newquiz->id = $recordid; $newquiz->intro = $result; update_record('quiz',$newquiz); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } function migrate2utf8_quiz_password($recordid){ global $CFG; /// Some trivial checks if (empty($recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } if (!$quiz = get_record('quiz','id',$recordid)) { log_the_problem_somewhere(); return false; } $sitelang = $CFG->lang; $courselang = get_course_lang($quiz->course); //Non existing! $userlang = get_main_teacher_lang($quiz->course); //N.E.!! $fromenc = get_original_encoding($sitelang, $courselang, $userlang); /// We are going to use textlib facilities $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Convert the text $result = $textlib->convert($quiz->password, $fromenc); $newquiz = new object; $newquiz->id = $recordid; $newquiz->password = $result; update_record('quiz',$newquiz); /// And finally, just return the converted field return $result; } ?>