class quiz_report extends quiz_default_report {
* Display the report.
function display($quiz, $cm, $course) {
global $CFG, $db;
// Define some strings
$strreallydel = addslashes(get_string('deleteattemptcheck','quiz'));
$strtimeformat = get_string('strftimedatetime');
$strreviewquestion = get_string('reviewresponse', 'quiz');
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
// Only print headers if not asked to download data
if (!$download = optional_param('download', NULL)) {
$this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, $reportmode="overview");
// Deal with actions
$action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ACTION);
switch($action) {
case 'delete': // Some attempts need to be deleted
require_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $context);
$attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT);
foreach($attemptids as $attemptid) {
add_to_log($course->id, 'quiz', 'delete attempt', 'report.php?id=' . $cm->id,
$attemptid, $cm->id);
quiz_delete_attempt($attemptid, $quiz);
// Set of format options for teacher-created content, for example overall feedback.
$nocleanformatoptions = new stdClass;
$nocleanformatoptions->noclean = true;
// Prepare list of available actions to perform on attempts - we only want to show the checkbox.
// Column on the table if there are options.
$attemptactions = array();
if (has_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $context)) {
$attemptactions['delete'] = get_string('delete');
// Work out some display options - whether there is feedback, and whether scores should be shown.
$hasfeedback = quiz_has_feedback($quiz->id) && $quiz->grade > 1.e-7 && $quiz->sumgrades > 1.e-7;
$fakeattempt = new stdClass();
$fakeattempt->preview = false;
$fakeattempt->timefinish = $quiz->timeopen;
$reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($quiz, $fakeattempt, $context);
$showgrades = $quiz->grade && $quiz->sumgrades && $reviewoptions->scores;
// Set table options
$noattempts = optional_param('noattempts', 0, PARAM_INT);
$detailedmarks = optional_param('detailedmarks', 0, PARAM_INT);
$pagesize = optional_param('pagesize', 10, PARAM_INT);
$reporturl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/quiz/report.php?mode=overview';
if ($pagesize < 1) {
$pagesize = 10;
if (!$reviewoptions->scores) {
$detailedmarks = 0;
$reporturlwithoptions = $reporturl . '&id=' . $cm->id . '&noattempts=' . $noattempts .
'&detailedmarks=' . $detailedmarks . '&pagesize=' . $pagesize;
/// find out current groups mode
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) { // Groups are being used
if (!$download) {
groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $reporturlwithoptions);
// Print information on the number of existing attempts
if (!$download) { //do not print notices when downloading
if ($strattemptnum = quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $cm, false, $currentgroup)) {
echo '
' . $strattemptnum . '
// Now check if asked download of data
if ($download) {
$filename = clean_filename("$course->shortname ".format_string($quiz->name,true));
$sort = '';
// Define table columns
$tablecolumns = array('picture', 'fullname', 'timestart', 'timefinish', 'duration');
$tableheaders = array('', get_string('name'), get_string('startedon', 'quiz'),
get_string('timecompleted','quiz'), get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz'));
if (!empty($attemptactions)) {
array_unshift($tablecolumns, 'checkbox');
array_unshift($tableheaders, NULL);
if ($showgrades) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'sumgrades';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz').'/'.$quiz->grade;
if ($detailedmarks) {
// we want to display marks for all questions
// Start by getting all questions
$questionlist = quiz_questions_in_quiz($quiz->questions);
$questionids = explode(',', $questionlist);
$sql = "SELECT q.*, i.grade AS maxgrade, AS instance".
" FROM {$CFG->prefix}question q,".
" {$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances i".
" WHERE i.quiz = '$quiz->id' AND = i.question".
" AND IN ($questionlist)";
if (!$questions = get_records_sql($sql)) {
error('No questions found');
$number = 1;
foreach ($questionids as $key => $id) {
if ($questions[$id]->length) {
// Only print questions of non-zero length
$tablecolumns[] = '$'.$id;
$tableheaders[] = '#'.$number;
$questions[$id]->number = $number;
$number += $questions[$id]->length;
} else {
// get rid of zero length questions
if ($hasfeedback) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'feedbacktext';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
if (!$download) {
// Set up the table
$table = new flexible_table('mod-quiz-report-overview-report');
$table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
$table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
$table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
$table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
// Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over
} else if ($download =='ODS') {
$filename .= ".ods";
// Creating a workbook
$workbook = new MoodleODSWorkbook("-");
// Sending HTTP headers
// Creating the first worksheet
$sheettitle = get_string('reportoverview','quiz');
$myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
// format types
$format =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
$formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatg =& $workbook->add_format();
// Here starts workshhet headers
$headers = array(get_string('name'), get_string('startedon', 'quiz'),
get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz'), get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz'));
if ($showgrades) {
$headers[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz').'/'.$quiz->grade;
if($detailedmarks) {
foreach ($questionids as $id) {
$headers[] = '#'.$questions[$id]->number;
if ($hasfeedback) {
$headers[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
$colnum = 0;
foreach ($headers as $item) {
} else if ($download =='Excel') {
$filename .= ".xls";
// Creating a workbook
$workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook("-");
// Sending HTTP headers
// Creating the first worksheet
$sheettitle = get_string('reportoverview','quiz');
$myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
// format types
$format =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
$formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
$formatg =& $workbook->add_format();
// Here starts workshhet headers
$headers = array(get_string('name'), get_string('startedon', 'quiz'),
get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz'), get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz'));
if ($showgrades) {
$headers[] = get_string('grade', 'quiz').'/'.$quiz->grade;
if($detailedmarks) {
foreach ($questionids as $id) {
$headers[] = '#'.$questions[$id]->number;
if ($hasfeedback) {
$headers[] = get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
$colnum = 0;
foreach ($headers as $item) {
} else if ($download=='CSV') {
$filename .= ".txt";
header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0");
header("Pragma: public");
$headers = get_string('name')."\t".get_string('startedon', 'quiz')."\t".
get_string('timecompleted', 'quiz')."\t".get_string('attemptduration', 'quiz');
if ($showgrades) {
$headers .= "\t".get_string('grade', 'quiz')."/".$quiz->grade;
if($detailedmarks) {
foreach ($questionids as $id) {
$headers .= "\t#".$questions[$id]->number;
if ($hasfeedback) {
$headers .= "\t" . get_string('feedback', 'quiz');
echo $headers." \n";
$contextlists = get_related_contexts_string(get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id));
// Construct the SQL
$select = 'SELECT '.sql_concat('', '\'#\'', $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0')).' AS uniqueid, '.
'qa.uniqueid as attemptuniqueid, AS attempt, AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture, '.
'qa.sumgrades, qa.timefinish, qa.timestart, qa.timefinish - qa.timestart AS duration ';
if ($course->id != SITEID) { // this is too complicated, so just do it for each of the four cases.
if (!empty($currentgroup) && empty($noattempts)) {
// we want a particular group and we only want to see students WITH attempts.
// So join on groups_members and do an inner join on attempts.
$from = 'FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user u JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = '.
'JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'groups_members gm ON = gm.userid '.
'JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'quiz_attempts qa ON = qa.userid AND qa.quiz = '.$quiz->id;
$where = ' WHERE ra.contextid ' . $contextlists . ' AND gm.groupid = '. $currentgroup .' AND qa.preview = 0';
} else if (!empty($currentgroup) && !empty($noattempts)) {
// We want a particular group and we want to do something funky with attempts
// So join on groups_members and left join on attempts...
$from = 'FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user u JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = '.
'JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'groups_members gm ON = gm.userid '.
'LEFT JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'quiz_attempts qa ON = qa.userid AND qa.quiz = '.$quiz->id;
$where = ' WHERE ra.contextid ' .$contextlists . ' AND gm.groupid = '.$currentgroup;
if ($noattempts == 1) {
// noattempts = 1 means only no attempts, so make the left join ask for only records where the right is null (no attempts)
$where .= ' AND qa.userid IS NULL'; // show ONLY no attempts;
} else {
// We are including attempts, so exclude previews.
$where .= ' AND qa.preview = 0';
} else if (empty($currentgroup)) {
// We don't care about group, and we to do something funky with attempts
// So do a left join on attempts
$from = 'FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user u JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = LEFT JOIN '.
$CFG->prefix.'quiz_attempts qa ON = qa.userid AND qa.quiz = '.$quiz->id;
$where = " WHERE ra.contextid $contextlists";
if (empty($noattempts)) {
$where .= ' AND qa.userid IS NOT NULL AND qa.preview = 0'; // show ONLY students with attempts;
} else if ($noattempts == 1) {
// noattempts = 1 means only no attempts, so make the left join ask for only records where the right is null (no attempts)
$where .= ' AND qa.userid IS NULL'; // show ONLY students without attempts;
} else if ($noattempts == 3) {
// we want all attempts
$from = 'FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user u JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'quiz_attempts qa ON = qa.userid ';
$where = ' WHERE qa.quiz = '.$quiz->id.' AND qa.preview = 0';
} // noattempts = 2 means we want all students, with or without attempts
$countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT('.sql_concat('', '\'#\'', $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0')).')) '.$from.$where;
} else {
if (empty($noattempts)) {
$from = 'FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user u JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'quiz_attempts qa ON = qa.userid ';
$where = ' WHERE qa.quiz = '.$quiz->id.' AND qa.preview = 0';
$countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT('.sql_concat('', '\'#\'', $db->IfNull('qa.attempt', '0')).')) '.$from.$where;
if (!$download) {
// Add extra limits due to initials bar
if($table->get_sql_where()) {
$where .= ' AND '.$table->get_sql_where();
// Count the records NOW, before funky question grade sorting messes up $from
if (!empty($countsql)) {
$totalinitials = count_records_sql($countsql);
if ($table->get_sql_where()) {
$countsql .= ' AND '.$table->get_sql_where();
$total = count_records_sql($countsql);
// Add extra limits due to sorting by question grade
if($sort = $table->get_sql_sort()) {
$sortparts = explode(',', $sort);
$newsort = array();
$questionsort = false;
foreach($sortparts as $sortpart) {
$sortpart = trim($sortpart);
if(substr($sortpart, 0, 1) == '$') {
if(!$questionsort) {
$qid = intval(substr($sortpart, 1));
$select .= ', grade ';
$from .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'question_sessions qns ON qns.attemptid = '.
'LEFT JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'question_states qs ON = qns.newgraded ';
$where .= ' AND ('.sql_isnull('qns.questionid').' OR qns.questionid = '.$qid.')';
$newsort[] = 'grade '.(strpos($sortpart, 'ASC')? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
$questionsort = true;
} else {
$newsort[] = $sortpart;
// Reconstruct the sort string
$sort = ' ORDER BY '.implode(', ', $newsort);
// Fix some wired sorting
if (empty($sort)) {
$sort = ' ORDER BY uniqueid';
$table->pagesize($pagesize, $total);
// If there is feedback, include it in the query.
if ($hasfeedback) {
$factor = $quiz->grade/$quiz->sumgrades;
$select .= ', qf.feedbacktext ';
$from .= " JOIN {$CFG->prefix}quiz_feedback qf ON " .
"qf.quizid = $quiz->id AND qf.mingrade <= qa.sumgrades * $factor AND qa.sumgrades * $factor < qf.maxgrade";
// Fetch the attempts
if (!empty($from)) { // if we're in the site course and displaying no attempts, it makes no sense to do the query.
if (!$download) {
$attempts = get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$sort,
$table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
} else {
$attempts = get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$sort);
} else {
$attempts = array();
// Build table rows
if (!$download) {
if(!empty($attempts) || !empty($noattempts)) {
if ($attempts) {
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$picture = print_user_picture($attempt->userid, $course->id, $attempt->picture, false, true);
// uncomment the commented lines below if you are choosing to show unenrolled users and
// have uncommented the corresponding lines earlier in this script
//if (in_array($attempt->userid, $unenrolledusers)) {
// $userlink = ''.fullname($attempt).'';
//else {
$userlink = ''.fullname($attempt).'';
// Username columns.
$row = array();
if (!$download) {
if (!empty($attemptactions)) {
$row[] = '';
$row[] = $picture;
$row[] = $userlink;
} else {
$row[] = fullname($attempt);
// Timing columns.
if ($attempt->attempt) {
$startdate = userdate($attempt->timestart, $strtimeformat);
if (!$download) {
$row[] = ''.$startdate.'';
} else {
$row[] = $startdate;
if ($attempt->timefinish) {
$timefinish = userdate($attempt->timefinish, $strtimeformat);
$duration = format_time($attempt->duration);
if (!$download) {
$row[] = ''.$startdate.'';
} else {
$row[] = ''.$timefinish.'';
$row[] = $duration;
} else {
$row[] = '-';
$row[] = get_string('unfinished', 'quiz');
} else {
$row[] = '-';
$row[] = '-';
$row[] = '-';
// Grades columns.
if ($showgrades) {
if ($attempt->timefinish) {
$grade = quiz_rescale_grade($attempt->sumgrades, $quiz);
if (!$download) {
$row[] = ''.$grade.'';
} else {
$row[] = $grade;
} else {
$row[] = '-';
if($detailedmarks) {
if(empty($attempt->attempt)) {
foreach($questionids as $questionid) {
$row[] = '-';
} else {
foreach($questionids as $questionid) {
$gradedstateid = get_field('question_sessions', 'newgraded', 'attemptid',
$attempt->attemptuniqueid, 'questionid', $questionid);
if ($gradedstateid) {
$grade = round(get_field('question_states', 'grade', 'id',
$gradedstateid), $quiz->decimalpoints);
} else {
$grade = '--';
if (!$download) {
$row[] = link_to_popup_window('/mod/quiz/reviewquestion.php?state='.
'reviewquestion', $grade, 450, 650, $strreviewquestion, 'none', true);
} else {
$row[] = $grade;
// Feedback column.
if ($hasfeedback) {
if ($attempt->timefinish) {
$row[] = format_text($attempt->feedbacktext, FORMAT_MOODLE, $nocleanformatoptions);
} else {
$row[] = '-';
if (!$download) {
} else if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
$colnum = 0;
foreach($row as $item){
} else if ($download=='CSV') {
$text = implode("\t", $row);
echo $text." \n";
if (!$download) {
// Start form
echo '